Best track on the "Spinout" LP 1966

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Best track on "Spinout" LP 1966

Poll ended at Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:10 pm

Stop, Look and Listen
Adam and Evil
No votes
All That I Am
Am I Ready
No votes
Beach Shack
No votes
I'll Be Back
No votes
Tomorrow Is a Long Time
Down in the Alley
I'll Remember You
Total votes: 23

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Best track on the "Spinout" LP 1966


Post by dreambear »

(Or California holiday in UK). What a relief to listen to this album after the last three ones. It probably makes it better than it is. The sound on these recordings are ok and the music seems a bit upgraded. That doesn´t excuse the lyrics in "Smorgasbord" (even if it´s a swedish word from the beginning). But it would have made to the poll if it had been included on PHS or HH. The second choice is harder. "Beach shack" isn´t the best song he recorded but it makes the poll because Elvis sounds sooo uninspired on "Never say yes". So away with that song. The album starts great and hard rocking, but the song is way to short. The rest of the movie tracks are ok, but not outstanding. What saves the day is the three outstanding bonus tracks, probably the best bunch (ok ´the bonus songs on "Clambake" quite impressive too) on the soundtracks. "I´ll remember you" has very nice athmosphere and is the perfect song to have in the background, relaxing on a beach. "Down in the Alley" is a tough song with some dirty lyrics. But all songs is totally overshadowed by the marvellous reading of the Dylan track "Tomorrow is a long time". Dylan himself was very impressed and a version by himself wasn´t released until 1971 on a compilation. Guess why?? 8)

So my vote goes to TIALT and I´m pretty sure that I won´t be alone...

Vote on!




Post by JerryNodak »

I remember hearing the title tune on the radio back in the day. Loved it then. Still do.

Not partial to "Down In The Alley."

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Post by dreambear »

shanebrown wrote:Tomorrow Is A Long Times is a remarkable recording. I wonder what would have happened if it had been released as a single. One strange thing, though: I'll Remember You was edited due to its length on original release. It's remarkable that Tomorrow Is A Long Time didn't suffer the same fate - for which we must be truly thankful!
Almost in love was also edited, but that song wasn´t very long.




Post by thekingisalive »

It’s a tough choice between "Spinout" and "I’ll Be Back", but I must go with the title track.


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Post by Narek »

What happenned to dreambear?

He's the King. No matter what you think.

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Post by Suspicious Minds »

I voted for All That I Am. I also liked I'll Remember You.


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Post by dreambear »

This surprised me a bit. "I´ll remember you"is a classy track but I thought that the Dylan cover would win easily. But that´s what´s fun aboutthose polls!

Thanks for voting!


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Post by Mike Eder »

Tickle Me, Viva Las Vegas, Kid Galahad, they all had very good songs, but as an LP this is the best soundtrack album since G.I. Blues. I actually like Smorgasbord myself, but the Dylan cover has to be the best song. Only one I don't like here is All That I Am. Something like Beach Shack, or I'll Be Back may not be great, but they are better then 90 percent of the last three albums before this.

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IMO great soundtrack, some great drum beat & fuzz guitars
I voted for : SPINOUT the title song ...second: STOP, LOOK , LISTEN !

Inigo Montoya

Re: Best track on the "Spinout" LP 1966


Post by Inigo Montoya »

I always very much liked this soundtrack even though I had it many years before I ever saw the actual movie it derived from (I think I had it first on a multi-LP set that covered the years 1965-1968, with all studio and movie songs included, but it may have been first in my possession on the original soundtrack LP that I found in pristine condition in a used record store). The songs were certainly a step up from almost everything recorded in 1965, possibly the nadir of Elvis' film career but certainly the year with fewest anywhere-near-decent songs originating.

"Stop, Look, And Listen" is yet another of the more interesting soundtrack songs written by Joy Byers (or, maybe, her husband) and I love the energy of it and the way it moves along. Short, yeah, but sweet. Nice drumming, too!

"Adam and Evil" is one of the lesser songs from this project, but it's still ahead of most of the previous year's output and a good chunk of what would follow, soundtrack wise, over the next 18 months or so. It also has the good taste to mention the great "I Need Your Love Tonight," a song light years removed from this one a mere eight years on. One of the bootlegs I listen to not infrequently is the great Spin In...Spin Out and this songs almost like a running joke in that release. Apparently, Elvis had a bit of trouble with this one. In fact, listening to the outtakes from some of these movie sessions can definitely up the impression the finished song makes. That's not what it should take for a song to make an impression, obviously, but with songs this lightweight you never know what might suddenly jump out and happen to appeal beyond any reason.

"All That I Am" is a beautiful ballad, with excellent Spanish guitar work that's a sort of audio filigree against which Elvis sings so sweet and pure that it's easy to forget this song is a soundtrack song from one of those largely interchangeable '60s movies. If not for the presence of the May, 1966 'bonus' songs that will inevitably vie for my pick as Number One, this song would be a serious contender for best of the bunch. Very, very nice.

"Am I Ready" is another beautiful ballad, but in my estimation "All That I Am" has a considerable edge over it. Still, nicely done, and again with a more careful and attentive vocal than was typical of soundtrack recordings by this time.

"Beach Shack" is absolute fluff but I've always had a soft spot for it even while recognizing it as a very weak track. I just love the structure of it, the carefree '60s-evoking pseudo-Calypso nature of the thing. And when I got the Spin In...Spin Out CD and first heard the classic laughfest that is takes1-3, well....

"Spinout" is a song I first had on the Down Under compilation Elvis In Hollywood, that was one of my first Elvis records (got it for Christmas). I played that album, a lot, perhaps explaining my love of so many of the title tracks of Elvis' movies (the LP seemed particularly heavy on those, including favorites like this one, "Charro!," "Viva Las Vegas," "Girl Happy," "King Creole," "Jailhouse Rock," "Flaming Star," "Girls! Girls! Girls!," "Follow That Dream," Blue Hawaii," etc). This is still a groovy little number that I never fail to enjoy. As much as I feel it's beyond shameful that Elvis largely squandered his prodigious talent with many of his '60s movies, I hate to think of being without some of the songs I've come very fond of, like this one, had he never soldiered on with increasingly skimpily-plotted travelogue films as the '60s wore on. Certainly, quite a few of his movie songs could have been well within the scope of his non-soundtrack session work -- songs like "King Of The Whole Wide World," "C'mon Everybody," "What'd I Say," "Return To Sender," "Today, Tomorrow, And Forever," "Edge Of Reality," "Let Yourself Go," and quite a few others -- but where would that leave songs like this one and "Easy Come, Easy Go"? "Rock A Hula Baby," for that matter. Yeah, it'd have been a worthy trade to have had Elvis doing fewer, more meaningful movies ('films,' dare I say?), even if he now and then did a musical type, and perhaps a few high-profile live concerts but, still...

"I'll Be Back" is another very cool song that qualifies, in my view, as an underappreciated gem. Certainly, kd land (who for a long time used it as her concert closer) saw its worth. And, in light of what I just wrote above, it'd have fit fairly well into a non-soundtrack session the likes of his May, 1963 recording stint. Like "Sand Castles, "Animal Instinct," and "How Can You Lose What You Never Had," one of the stronger songs of the soundtrack session is once again cut from the film.

"Smorgasbord" and "Never Say Yes," cut from this poll, are probably my least favorite of this rather tasty (if short) little soundtrack outing. They're not very distinguished, nor particularly inspired, but they do manage to beat most of what was offered in the previous year's worth of recordings and some of what was yet to come before things got better again.

"Tomorrow Is a Long Time" is my pick for the best of this LP. For the record (no pun intended), if we were limiting discussion to just the soundtrack songs, "Spinout" would probably be my choice. These May recordings, however, are a whole other story and not only among the best from the stellar How Great Thou Art sessions that yielded them but among the best of Elvis' studio recording career. There's so much I could say about this song, in Elvis' hands, that I'm going to not say much beyond that, to me, this selection pretty much personifies musical perfection in its every aspect. As long as it is, I could have done with it being even's almost hypnotic, in fact, among many other qualities that make it a very special recording.

"Down in the Alley" is a tough blues but of a very different kind than what we'd heard before (or would later) from Elvis. I wish he'd done more out-and-out blues recordings, but what we have includes a generous dose of absolute brilliance. This song will wake you up, for sure (the outtakes are fun, too!). The 1974 rework for live use was different but still very appealing, and I wish he'd have used it more than just that one time. Any show with both "Big Boss Man" and "Down in the Alley" would have to be something special.

"I'll Remember You" rates as one of the most beautiful songs Elvis ever did. I could very easily have picked this song as my favorite from the disc. It did, at least, have unusual longevity with Elvis, unusual in the sense that it was pretty much doomed to be largely overlooked by virtue of it being buried on a soundtrack album (like "Big Boss Man," released as a single but still not too well known although having good longevity in Elvis' repertoire) at a time past the last great soundtrack chart triumph a couple of years earlier. And, to his credit, Elvis sang this song beautifully when he introduced it to his setlist in 1972 and all the way to his last airing of it. It's great to have the unedited 1966 recording now, too.

Even without the three excellent refugees from the 1966 gospel session (and it really is a pity that some of these 'bonus' songs weren't treated with more respect and given mainstream album release that might have garnered more attention and deserved praise), the Spinout LP would be one I'd enjoy a lot. I did finally get around to seeing the movie, and owning it, but the soundtrack's more fun than the actual film. And those three bonus songs...they're timeless works of art.

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Re: Best track on the "Spinout" LP 1966


Post by eric c »

i'm gonna whimp out here on my vote.

from the movie:adam and evil

of the bonus tracks:tomorrow is a long time

very good soundtrack and a movie i really like.
cool pic on the album cover too.

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