America is coming back, and America is coming back strong

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Our favorite UK non-voting Trumpers' polling publication endorses...guess who? Kamala Harris.

Bite me, Trumpers. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Kamala Harris is The Only Patriotic Choice for President

It is hard to imagine a candidate more unworthy to serve as president of the United States than Donald Trump. He has proved himself morally unfit for an office that asks its occupant to put the good of the nation above self-interest. He has proved himself temperamentally unfit for a role that requires the very qualities — wisdom, honesty, empathy, courage, restraint, humility, discipline — that he most lacks.

Those disqualifying characteristics are compounded by everything else that limits his ability to fulfill the duties of the president: his many criminal charges, his advancing age, his fundamental lack of interest in policy and his increasingly bizarre cast of associates.

This unequivocal, dispiriting truth — Donald Trump is not fit to be president — should be enough for any voter who cares about the health of our country and the stability of our democracy to deny him re-election.

For this reason, regardless of any political disagreements voters might have with her, Kamala Harris is the only patriotic choice for president.

Most presidential elections are, at their core, about two different visions of America that emerge from competing policies and principles. This one is about something more foundational. It is about whether we invite into the highest office in the land a man who has revealed, unmistakably, that he will degrade the values, defy the norms and dismantle the institutions that have made our country strong.

As a dedicated public servant who has demonstrated care, competence and an unwavering commitment to the Constitution, Ms. Harris stands alone in this race. She may not be the perfect candidate for every voter, especially those who are frustrated and angry about our government’s failures to fix what’s broken — from our immigration system to public schools to housing costs to gun violence. Yet we urge Americans to contrast Ms. Harris’s record with her opponent’s.

Ms. Harris is more than a necessary alternative. There is also an optimistic case for elevating her, one that is rooted in her policies and borne out by her experience as vice president, a senator and a state attorney general.

Over the past 10 weeks, Ms. Harris has offered a shared future for all citizens, beyond hate and division. She has begun to describe a set of thoughtful plans to help American families.

While character is enormously important — in this election, pre-eminently so — policies matter. Many Americans remain deeply concerned about their prospects and their children’s in an unstable and unforgiving world. For them, Ms. Harris is clearly the better choice. She has committed to using the power of her office to help Americans better afford the things they need, to make it easier to own a home, to support small businesses and to help workers. Mr. Trump’s economic priorities are more tax cuts, which would benefit mostly the wealthy, and more tariffs, which will make prices even more unmanageable for the poor and middle class.

Beyond the economy, Ms. Harris promises to continue working to expand access to health care and reduce its cost. She has a long record of fighting to protect women’s health and reproductive freedom. Mr. Trump spent years trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and boasts of picking the Supreme Court justices who ended the constitutional right to an abortion.

Globally, Ms. Harris would work to maintain and strengthen the alliances with like-minded nations that have long advanced American interests abroad and maintained the nation’s security. Mr. Trump — who has long praised autocrats like Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban and Kim Jong-un — has threatened to blow those democratic alliances apart. Ms. Harris recognizes the need for global solutions to the global problem of climate change and would continue President Biden’s major investments in the industries and technologies necessary to achieve that goal. Mr. Trump rejects the accepted science, and his contempt for low-carbon energy solutions is matched only by his trollish fealty to fossil fuels.

As for immigration, a huge and largely unsolved issue, the former president continues to demonize and dehumanize immigrants, while Ms. Harris at least offers hope for a compromise, long denied by Congress, to secure the borders and return the nation to a sane immigration system.

Many voters have said they want more details about the vice president’s plans, as well as more unscripted encounters in which she explains her vision and policies. They are right to ask. Given the stakes of this election, Ms. Harris may think that she is running a campaign designed to minimize the risks of an unforced error — answering journalists’ questions and offering greater policy detail could court controversy, after all — under the belief that being the only viable alternative to Mr. Trump may be enough to bring her to victory. That strategy may ultimately prove winning, but it’s a disservice to the American people and to her own record. And leaving the public with a sense that she is being shielded from tough questions, as Mr. Biden has been, could backfire by undermining her core argument that a capable new generation stands ready to take the reins of power.

Ms. Harris is not wrong, however, on the clear dangers of returning Mr. Trump to office. He has promised to be a different kind of president this time, one who is unrestrained by checks on power built into the American political system. His pledge to be “a dictator” on “Day 1” might have indeed been a joke — but his undisguised fondness for dictatorships and the strongmen who run them is anything but.

Most notably, he systematically undermined public confidence in the result of the 2020 election and then attempted to overturn it — an effort that culminated in an insurrection at the Capitol to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power and resulted in him and some of his most prominent supporters being charged with crimes. He has not committed to honoring the result of this election and continues to insist, as he did at the debate with Ms. Harris on Sept. 10, that he won in 2020. He has apparently made a willingness to support his lies a litmus test for those in his orbit, starting with JD Vance, who would be his vice president.

His disdain for the rule of law goes beyond his efforts to obtain power; it is also central to how he plans to use it. Mr. Trump and his supporters have described a 2025 agenda that would give him the power to carry out the most extreme of his promises and threats. He vows, for instance, to turn the federal bureaucracy and even the Justice Department into weapons of his will to hurt his political enemies. In at least 10 instances during his presidency, he did exactly that, pressuring federal agencies and prosecutors to punish people he felt had wronged him, with little or no legal basis for prosecution.

Some of the people Mr. Trump appointed in his last term saved America from his most dangerous impulses. They refused to break laws on his behalf and spoke up when he put his own interests above his country’s. As a result, the former president intends, if re-elected, to surround himself with people who are unwilling to defy his demands. Today’s version of Mr. Trump — the twice-impeached version that faces a barrage of criminal charges — may prove to be the restrained version.

Unless American voters stand up to him, Mr. Trump will have the power to do profound and lasting harm to our democracy.

That is not simply an opinion of Mr. Trump’s character by his critics; it is a judgment of his presidency from those who know it best — the very people he appointed to serve in the most important positions of his White House. It is telling that among those who fear a second Trump presidency are people who worked for him and saw him at close range.

Mike Pence, Mr. Trump’s vice president, has repudiated him. No other vice president in modern history has done this. “I believe that anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States,” Mr. Pence has said. “And anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again.”

Mr. Trump’s attorney general has raised similar concerns about his fundamental unfitness. And his chief of staff. And his defense secretary. And his national security advisers. And his education secretary. And on and on — a record of denunciation without precedent in the nation’s long history.

That’s not to say Mr. Trump did not add to the public conversation. In particular, he broke decades of Washington consensus and led both parties to wrestle with the downsides of globalization, unrestrained trade and China’s rise. His criminal-justice reform efforts were well placed, his focus on Covid vaccine development paid off, and his decision to use an emergency public health measure to turn away migrants at the border was the right call at the start of the pandemic. Yet even when the former president’s overall aim may have had merit, his operational incompetence, his mercurial temperament and his outright recklessness often led to bad outcomes. Mr. Trump’s tariffs cost Americans billions of dollars. His attacks on China have ratcheted up military tensions with America’s strongest rival and a nuclear superpower. His handling of the Covid crisis contributed to historic declines in confidence in public health, and to the loss of many lives. His overreach on immigration policies, such as his executive order on family separation, was widely denounced as inhumane and often ineffective.

And those were his wins. His tax plan added $2 trillion to the national debt; his promised extension of them would add $5.8 trillion over the next decade. His withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal destabilized the Middle East. His support for antidemocratic strongmen like Mr. Putin emboldened human rights abusers all over the world. He instigated the longest government shutdown ever. His sympathetic comments toward the Proud Boys expanded the influence of domestic right-wing extremist groups.

In the years since he left office, Mr. Trump was convicted on felony charges of falsifying business records, was found liable in civil court for sexual abuse and faces two, possibly three, other criminal cases. He has continued to stoke chaos and encourage violence and lawlessness whenever it suits his political aims, most recently promoting vicious lies against Haitian immigrants. He recognizes that ordinary people — voters, jurors, journalists, election officials, law enforcement officers and many others who are willing to do their duty as citizens and public servants — have the power to hold him to account, so he has spent the past three and a half years trying to undermine them and sow distrust in anyone or any institution that might stand in his way.

Most dangerous for American democracy, Mr. Trump has transformed the Republican Party — an institution that once prided itself on principle and honored its obligations to the law and the Constitution — into little more than an instrument of his quest to regain power. The Republicans who support Ms. Harris recognize that this election is about something more fundamental than narrow partisan interest. It is about principles that go beyond party.

In 2020 this board made the strongest case it could against the re-election of Mr. Trump. Four years later, many Americans have put his excesses out of their minds. We urge them and those who may look back at that period with nostalgia or feel that their lives are not much better now than they were three years ago to recognize that his first term was a warning and that a second Trump term would be much more damaging and divisive than the first.

Kamala Harris is the only choice.

:smt006 :smt006 :smt006 :smt006

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Take it from U.S.-based non Trump Nazis who can actually vote in our elections. Kamala Harris is the only choice for President.

Not the senile, 80 year old, rambling, mentally incompetent, 34-time convicted felon racist rapist criminal Trump (Hitler) who is only running to stay out of prison. And who can't stop sh*tting himself in public. :wink: :wink:

:smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023

Even Stevie Wonder Endorses Kamala Harris

‘It Takes a Woman’: Stevie Wonder Endorses Kamala Harris in New Ad

"I'm very happy because I know and believe that she will be the next president of these United States," Wonder said in the video clip

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

WTF. Some don't even hide it anymore. And that has been true for a while.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by mike edwards66 »

drjohncarpenter wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:49 pm
Some of our non-U.S. . . .

BrianTCB wrote:
Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:47 am

Even Stevie Wonder Endorses Kamala Harris


i take none of this seriously

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Oh yes, mike edwards66. Oh yes. etc. etc. etc. among many, many, many more.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

What's insane is that somehow, MAGATs think that this is better. Naziism is a terrible thing. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Kamala Harris is in warrior mode. Let's win this and put that m*therf*ckin' 34-time convicted felon racist rapist Trump (Hitler) in jail where he belongs...

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Yeah, if there's REALLY nothing wrong, you should release your medical records.

:smt006 :smt006 :smt006 :smt006 :smt006

More than 230 doctors and health care providers call on Trump to release medical records

More than 230 doctors, nurses and health care professionals, most of whom are backing Vice President Kamala Harris, are calling on former President Donald Trump to release his medical records, arguing that he should be transparent about his health "given his advancing age."

"Trump is falling concerningly short of any standard of fitness for office and displaying alarming characteristics of declining acuity," the 238 signatories wrote in a letter dated Oct. 13 and first obtained by CBS News. "In the limited opportunities we can examine his behavior, he's providing a deeply concerning snapshot."

The letter was organized by the group "Doctors for Harris," which is unaffiliated with Harris' campaign. The doctors and nurses note that presidential candidates have traditionally disclosed their medical records, including Arizona Sen. John McCain, who did so during his 2008 presidential campaign. In his 2020 race against President Biden, Trump released results of his physical in the June before Election Day.

The letter noted that absent detailed health records, "we are left to extrapolate from public appearances."

"As we all age, we lose sharpness and revert to base instincts. We are seeing that from Trump, as he uses his rallies and appearances to ramble, meander, and crudely lash out at his many perceived grievances," the doctors wrote.

The letter comes as Harris has been putting pressure on Trump to release his medical records, with her campaign viewing their contrast in age as a salient argument. Trump is 78, and Harris turns 60 on Sunday.

On Saturday, Harris released a letter from the physician to the vice president that said she "possesses the physical and mental resiliency" to serve as president. It also detailed specifics about her medical history and vitals, and said her most recent physical was "unremarkable."

Harris again called on Trump to release details about his health in an interview released on Monday.

"I put out my medical records. He won't put out his medical records. And you have to ask, why is this staff doing that? And it may be because they think he's just not ready, and [is] unfit and unstable and should not have that level of transparency for the American people," Harris told journalist Roland Martin in an interview for his Black Star Network.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by Rob »

BrianTCB wrote:
Wed Oct 16, 2024 6:05 am
That was awkward, uncomfortable and embarrassing.

So goes Donald Trump.

The United States of America have had
forty-six Presidents, but only ONE King!

Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.
You're a beautiful audience.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Trump (Hitler's) mental decline in his 80s truly is astonishingly bad.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Why Trump’s on-stage interview on economic policy was such a mess

For months, Republicans have practically begged Donald Trump to focus on policy, not personal attacks. But he doesn’t talk about policy because he can’t.

Shortly after Democrats rallied behind Kamala Harris as the party’s 2024 nominee, Donald Trump thought the smart move would be to launch a series of personal attacks. A great many Republicans offered some simple advice: Stop.

Sen. Lindsey Graham appeared on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” in August, for example, and issued a public plea. “President Trump can win this election. His policies are good for America, and if you have a policy debate for president, he wins,” the South Carolina Republican said. “Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election.”

Trump, of course, ignored the advice for a variety of reasons.

For one thing, the former president has said he feels “entitled“ to launch personal attacks. For another, Trump, at least on some level, likely knows that his policies aren’t especially popular.

But there’s long been a problem that his party struggles to fully appreciate: Trump doesn’t talk about policy because he can’t. The former president has never been able to speak coherently about governing, and with three weeks remaining before Election Day, nothing has changed.

The Atlantic’s David Graham summarized the Republican’s appearance at the Economic Club of Chicago this way: “When Donald Trump speaks about the economy, he sounds like a child.”

"China gives us billions of dollars via tariffs. American auto workers take imported cars out of a box and stick the pieces together." These are very light paraphrases of statements he made today at the Economic Club of Chicago, in a sometimes combative interview with the Bloomberg editor in chief John Micklethwait.

At times, it was difficult to watch. Asked, for example, about the dramatic impact his plans would have on the national debt, Trump said a great many words, none of which answered the question. Asked about Google — a company the former president has threatened to prosecute in response to a conspiracy theory he concocted — the GOP candidate changed the subject.

Trump didn’t seem to know what the chairman of the Federal Reserve does. He spoke a great deal about trade tariffs but struggled with the details. He talked about reserve currencies but didn’t seem to know what they are. When the conversation turned to small businesses, the former president talked about Apple — prompting his host to explain that Apple is not a small business.

At one point, Trump thought it’d be a good idea to insult auto industry workers, claiming that children could do their jobs just as well. Around the same time, in response to a question about cutting federal spending, he shared an anecdote about Air Force One that wasn’t true.

In June, the Business Roundtable offered the Republican an opportunity to meet privately with a room full of leading CEOs. One told NBC News after the discussion, “Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

He still doesn't.

It’s not as if Trump occasionally has bad days but is otherwise up to speed on economic policy. The night before the event in Chicago, a voter asked him about addressing the price of groceries, and his long, meandering answer was effectively gibberish.

Two days earlier, the GOP candidate effectively admitted that when it comes to proposed trade tariffs, he essentially just makes up numbers off the top of his head. “Until now I’ve said 200[%],” he told Fox News. “I’m using that just as a figure. I’ll say 100, 200, I’ll say 500, I don’t care.”

For months, Trump has been repeatedly asked how he intends to address inflation, and he’s never been able to answer in a coherent way.

I can appreciate why Republican officials keep urging their nominee to focus on policy, but they’re effectively asking squirrels to do trigonometry: If Trump could talk about the substantive details of governing and policymaking, he would. But he can’t, so he doesn’t.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by latebloomer »

All the "media" -- print and on-air reporters, editors, opiners in any medium -- have failed us in discussing Trump's so-called economic policies, but never more so in discussing his claims about tariffs.

First, no sovereign nation can impose upon -- and collect from -- any other sovereign nation a tariff.

Imposed import tariffs (rarely) are paid either voluntarily by an exporting producer of goods (to protect his markets) or by his subsidizing government (to defend or support its own exhorters, its own economy, or its international economic standing);

or (most commonly) by an importing entity, at entry into the nation that imposed the tariff.

Any money deposited to the treasury of the nation that imposed an import tariff is, therefore, mostly money collected from its own, domestic, importers, middlemen, and end users.

The direct (cash) pain of payment, thus, falls most often upon the nation which imposed the tariff and upon the importer, imposed by his own government. The importer recovers some or all of his cost by collecting it from his customers via price increase, which is passed along to middlemen until the goods are purchased by their end user.

So, a tariff on goods hurts the exporter/exporting nation if it causes prospective importers to buy elsewhere, or causes exporters to spend their own money to keep importers buying without having to pay the tariff themselves.

But if importers continue to buy from exporters, the tariff will be paid by them, at their ports of entry, then recovered by increased prices within the country whose government imposed the tariff.

Import tariffs thus can collapse a foreign (exporting) industry if importers stop buying from it, or strain a foreign industry or its supporting government if the tariff is paid by the exporter or his government.

But import tariffs also can collapse a domestic industry for want of critical imported materials, parts, or supplies, or by pricing imports beyond the reach of importers, middlemen, or end users: ordinary consumers.

That's a highly simplified discussion of import tariffs, to be sure. But it should make clear that no tariff-imposing nation's treasury fattens on payments from foreign exporters or their subsidizing governments.

Trump lied.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Vice President Harris annihilates FOX News for lying. Presidential!!!!!

:smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023

This is the clip Kamala is talking about that FOX News knowingly withheld from the public:

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

:smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023 :smt023

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

This is your latest Stephen Colbert-based reminder that TRUMP (Hitler) is a CHICKEN!!!!!!

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

This is your latest reminder that Trump is a CHICKEN. Bawk Bawk BAWKAW!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Trump is not only a chicken, but at risk of sh*tting himself in public. And he's still unfit.

You can still vote the alternative if you're republican. Many others are. For a reason.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Trump (Hitler) is entirely unfit for the nation's highest office.

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by Jaime1234 »

If that is so disgusting, then why a 2024 movie about his relationship with the world's most HATED individual , Roy Cohn, BOMBED so bad that it was withdrawn from more than a thousand seven hundred cinemas after losing untold millions...

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Re: America is coming back, and America is coming back strong


Post by BrianTCB »

Jaime1234 wrote:
Sat Oct 19, 2024 8:15 pm
If that is so disgusting, then why a 2024 movie about his relationship with the world's most HATED individual , Roy Cohn, BOMBED so bad that it was withdrawn from more than a thousand seven hundred cinemas after losing untold millions...
So you have no moral objection to:

Business Fraud

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