So if this had been the ELVIS NOW folk album themed line up:
Early Morning Rain
For Lovin' Me
Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
The First Time Evere I Saw Your Face
Amazing Grace
Help Me Make It Through The Night
Until It's Time For You To Go
I'll Take You Home Kathleen
It's Still Here
I Will Be True
Then there'd have been room for a cracking little pop album:
Fools Rush In
It's Only Love
The Sound Of Your Cry
Where did They go, Lord?
Rags To Riches
We Can Make The Morning
Love Me, Love The Life I Lead
I'm Leavin'
There was also the "My Way" master but I think that one belonged on the cutting room floor, as much better versions were yet to come.
And with RCA's liking for budget 10 track Elvis albums at this time, it would have been a quality release!
The 72 Masters would have been left to appear on a 14 track album with the February Vegas Masters with a side dedicated to Live cuts and a side dedicated to the Studio tracks
Burning Love
Where Do I Go From Here?
Always on My Mind
For The Good Times
It's A Matter Of Time
Seperate Ways
Big Hunk Of Love
Never Been To Spain
Impossible Dream
You Gave Me A Mountain
It's Impossible
It's Over
An American Trilogy
And with only Trilogy and Never Been To Spain being duplicated at MSG, there'd have been room for that release too.
My favouirte period in Elvis' recording career - 1970-72 - done and dusted! Amen!