The 1975 Tiger Man jam is mediocre and the performance would be mediocre in any year, even 1970. Now, some of you guys start playing the victim card blowing these little debates way out of proportion ending it baseless accusations and insults. Mike and BIGREDG are a unique, hypocritical bunch....
midnightx wrote:.....ending it baseless accusations and insults. Mike and BIGREDG are a unique, hypocritical bunch....
That is a patently absurd thing to say. The bases for the "accusations" are clearly stated, and furthermore you are infamous throughout the Board membership for doing the very thing you are now seeking to deny.
You must be in total denial if you do not recall your recent love affair with the terms rose colored glasses and apologist. I can assure you no one else has forgotten. And your Roger Whittaker fetish is legendary.
So you either join the not quite so "unique bunch", or keep acting like an ostrich. Either way, as I already said, you are fooling no one but yourself (your tag team partner may chip in at this point, but that's more out of duty than belief).
BigredG wrote:"If you could see you, through my eyes, instead of your ego, I believe you'd be surprised to see that you've been blind - Lord have mercy!"
Yeah, that's a good updating of Robbie's words !
But none of us can ever actually do that, can we ?
Colin B Judge a man not by his answers, but by his questions - Voltaire
BigredG wrote:"If you could see you, through my eyes, instead of your ego, I believe you'd be surprised to see that you've been blind - Lord have mercy!"
Yeah, that's a good updating of Robbie's words !
But none of us can ever actually do that, can we ?
Not physically no.
But one could say that the giftie in this case is the friend who gently points out that when you say something is mediocre at best it is not the same as saying it is not amazing, thus enabling the blindness to lift a tad.
Elvis version is not a work of startingly originality but it's fun and a little insight into Elvis. The overwrought comments about this piece are indicative of the depressing self-serious view of rock n' roll that became prevalent in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Give the guy his air. "
rickeap wrote:"Elvis version is not a work of startingly originality but it's fun and a little insight into Elvis. The overwrought comments about this piece are indicative of the depressing self-serious view of rock n' roll that became prevalent in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Give the guy his air. "
this seems to sum up things pretty nicely
Who are you quoting ?
Colin B Judge a man not by his answers, but by his questions - Voltaire
rickeap wrote:"Elvis version is not a work of startingly originality but it's fun and a little insight into Elvis. The overwrought comments about this piece are indicative of the depressing self-serious view of rock n' roll that became prevalent in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Give the guy his air. "
I like just about anything Elvis does, but I remember being with some friends in the 80s and hearing this song, and my friends cracked up. They weren't big Elvis fans and they thought the opening was ridiculous.
When i first heard Elvis sing little Darlin it was from the Dallas concert 75 not realising it actually came from the Shreveport Concert the next day. My reaction was Elvis havin fun on stage with this song and for me im glad he sang it.