I like this movie. The songs shouldn't really be in it but they don't ruin the film.
Jailhouse Rock - ****
Great film. One of his best.
Loving You - ***
This film is pretty good in my opinion.
King Creole - ****
My favortie Elvis movie. The best film he ever did.
Flaming Star - ** & 1/2
This is an okay film.
GI Blues - **
This was where his film career began getting weak in my opinion, although this film is better than some that came later.
Blue Hawaii - *
I hate this movie. I can't begin to tell you how baffled I am that this over-rated piece of crap was his best money maker in films.
Wild In The Country - **
This is an okay film. It's a heavy theme considering what came later.
Follow That Dream - ***
I love this movie! It's hilarious. It wouldn't surprise me if this movie inspired the Beverly Hillbillies series that came later.
Girls Girls Girls - *
This movie sucks.
Kid Galahad - **
This is an okay film. It's an old classic story actually.
Fun In Acapulco - *
Don't really care for it. Not a good movie.
It Happened At The World's Fair - **
If it weren't for the scenes with actor Kurt Russell I'd give this only one star.
Roustabout - **
I enjoy watching Elvis work with Stanwyck in this one. It's okay.
Kissin' Cousins - **
This film is really stupid but it doesn't take it self seriously at all and is meant to be fun. It's not one of his worst films really but it has a bad rep because of the twin factor. It's actually a watchable film in my opinion. The outfits worn in it alone are enough to make you laugh.
Viva Las Vegas - ***
There's a scene where Ann Margret walks away from Elvis and his friend and the camera closes in on her ass as she walks. That one shot took this from a two star film to a 3 star film for me.

Girl Happy - **
I love the chemistry between Elvis and Shelly Fabares. I always thought they worked well together. This is a fun movie. Check out the version of "Spring Fever" which is very much like the version of "Summer Lovin" in the movie "Grease." I've always believed that the writers of Grease did that on purpose and that the role of Danny in the movie was based on an Elvis-like movie character.
Harum Scarum - 1/2 a star
This film is only slightly more entertaining than spending two hours scraping a cheese grater across your face.
Tickle Me - *
There's like one or two minor laughs in this film but overall it sucks. Nice lookin' girls in the movie in one scene though.
Frankie & Johnny - *
Whoever wrote this script should be ashamed of themselves. It was based on a very old traditional song that was very popular up until this horrid movie came out.
Paradise Hawaiian Style - *
Fun in Acapulco Hawaiian Style and it's anything but paradise. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Spinout - **
This is a weak movie but it's also fun at times too.
Clambake - **
This is a classic story done Elvis style with a few humorous scenes here and there. The actor who plays Elvis' father is really good in it. He's also the actor who said the classic ape line from the planet of the apes movies, "The only good human is a dead human!"
Double Trouble - *
Whoever wrote this script probably wrote Frankie & Johnny too. And they should be just as ashamed of themselves for writing this one.
Easy Come Easy Go - 1/2 a star
This film should be burned and the ashes shoved up the ass of the dead Hal Wallis. I'm serious! Dig him up!
Live A Little Love A Little - *
This film is really stupid. It's like the dialogue was written by a 14 year old.
Speedway - **
This is a fun movie. Bill Bixby and Elvis have some good comical chemistry together in this.
Stay Away Joe - 1/2 a star
This film isn't really a film at all. It's badly filmed home movies with a plot weaved in later.
Change Of Habit - **
Not a bad movie. It's bolder theme-wise for his career but it was too late to save it by then.
Charro - ** & 1/2
I like this movie. It's one of my favorite Elvis films from the ones after his stint in the army.
The Trouble With Girls - 1/2 a star
The last two times I tried to watch this piece of crap I couldn't even finish.