Used or unused role of film ?

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Used or unused role of film ?

Post by Domino »

Last edited by Domino on Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:02 am, edited 2 times in total.

8) "Well sir,to be honest with you,we just stumbled upon it." - 1954

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Re: Used or unused role of film ?

Post by EPA4368 »

I google how to tell and to make a long story short, I'd take it to a photo lab and ask them.

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Re: Used or unused role of film ?

Post by Domino »

EPA4368 on Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:44 pm wrote:I google how to tell and to make a long story short, I'd take it to a photo lab and ask them.
I tried google but couldn't get a good answer.Going to a photo lab is the best way.Just thought maybe someone here would remember what one of these 1970's'early 80's films looked like when it was exposed.Found it in with my Dad's stuff.Wish I could remember what it's suppose to look like when it's new or used.Thanks anyway.

8) "Well sir,to be honest with you,we just stumbled upon it." - 1954

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Re: Used or unused role of film ?

Post by goldbelt »

It would seem the film has been used - the area where the narrow lines are shown would have had arrows (to indicate the film needed advancing once in the camera) on a new unused cartridge, if not mistaken.

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Re: Used or unused role of film ?

Post by Domino »

goldbelt on Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:38 pm wrote:It would seem the film has been used - the area where the narrow lines are shown would have had arrows (to indicate the film needed advancing once in the camera) on a new unused cartridge, if not mistaken.
OK thanks.I hope it does have pictures on it.The next question is would the pictures be any good after so many years.If it has pictures then I'd be on there most likely.

8) "Well sir,to be honest with you,we just stumbled upon it." - 1954