Elvis is back sessions cd2 mastering failure

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Elvis is back sessions cd2 mastering failure

Post by rollingjohnny »

Just bought the "Elvis is back sessions" from FTD and saw when ripping the cd's onto my NAS
that the complete metadata from cd2 was not correct.
All the data is from a cd called:
Robert Nasveld – Hanging Around (cd from 2011)
Has someone experienced the same problems?
Absolute a mastering failure!!
Already contacted Sony but they say it's not a Sony product but FTD
What to do???
Gr John

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Re: Elvis is back sessions cd2 mastering failure

Post by LSP-4445 »

rollingjohnny wrote:
Sun Dec 08, 2019 11:28 pm
Just bought the "Elvis is back sessions" from FTD and saw when ripping the cd's onto my NAS
that the complete metadata from cd2 was not correct.
All the data is from a cd called:
Robert Nasveld – Hanging Around (cd from 2011)
Has someone experienced the same problems?
Absolute a mastering failure!!
Already contacted Sony but they say it's not a Sony product but FTD
What to do???
Gr John
Why do you ask this again?
As written in other topic that you made its not a mastering fault as metadata looks at the tracklist number and playing time for each track and then suggest a cd release.
