It's under the little picture of "you" on the TV app. Click that, and settings, then "audio quality," and toggle the switch!
Then I can keep the elderly and mean Homeowners Association members up at night!¹

Just kidding! This house has great insulation. (I'm not supposed to talk about it.

But . . . no.

I am keeping the posts here in case anyone else is having a similar problem.
Yes, I know: I shouldn't have re-upped. But without music, including ALL the new and recent legacy reissues that I can't buy, I cannot get through what's coming. I will have to sell almost everything. But I am keeping the TVs!
Because if one purchases the physical product, it costs WAY more!²
¹But they made me sign a contract to pay DOUBLE for
three years because I couldn't pay in 2018, which has only 12 months in it, not 34 months! When I signed it, my only immediate family member was in critical condition. They took advantage of that. They can take me to court! I paid up already!
²Just do the arithmetic. It's amazing!