best cd=r brand for making back up copys

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Re: best cd=r brand for making back up copys

Post by JimmyCool »

To be honest, I don't see much of a difference between well-known brands... I even have CD-Rs and DVD-Rs from Sony and Maxell that still work and read well after 18+ years.

Have you thought about migrating to digital format, like FLAC files for example?

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Re: best cd=r brand for making back up copys

Post by pmp »

elviscollector101 wrote:
Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:09 am
Hello ,

I want to make some back up copy's of my cd's to play so i can store the original ones so i don't wear and tear them. I have used Taiyo Yuden in the past and Verbatim. The thing is these companies have sold out and I do not know about quality any more. This will be time consuming and I would like to use a good brand that will last , I seen verbatims on amazon with the purple dye for $ 16.95 for 100 disc. CMC powered by TY for $ 28.00 which is supposed to be made with taiyo yuden technology. what brand do you guys use and like and have had good sucess with , Thanks
I generally use traxdata or ritek printable cd-rs, and have never had any problems with them.
Traxdata for dvd-r.
For BD-R, I use verbatim printable.

The most unreliable cd-r and dvd-r I have yet found is, oddly, Verbatim - but their blu-rays are good.

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Re: best cd=r brand for making back up copys

Post by pmp »

elviscollector101 wrote:
Tue Apr 05, 2022 12:37 am
pmp wrote:
Mon Apr 04, 2022 1:06 am
elviscollector101 wrote:
Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:09 am
Hello ,

I want to make some back up copy's of my cd's to play so i can store the original ones so i don't wear and tear them. I have used Taiyo Yuden in the past and Verbatim. The thing is these companies have sold out and I do not know about quality any more. This will be time consuming and I would like to use a good brand that will last , I seen verbatims on amazon with the purple dye for $ 16.95 for 100 disc. CMC powered by TY for $ 28.00 which is supposed to be made with taiyo yuden technology. what brand do you guys use and like and have had good sucess with , Thanks
I generally use traxdata or ritek printable cd-rs, and have never had any problems with them.
Traxdata for dvd-r.
For BD-R, I use verbatim printable.

The most unreliable cd-r and dvd-r I have yet found is, oddly, Verbatim - but their blu-rays are good.
Ritek seems to make good quality stuff . I was always a fan of Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim but it seems they both sold out and now manufactured by lower grade companies and on Amazon there stuff has alot of bad reviews . They had a 100 pack of verbatim branded cd-r for $16 and some change that was cheap enough but i don't think the quality is there anymore
Agreed. Verbatim blu-ray discs I have had no problem with, but had many issues with their CD-Rs.

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Re: best cd=r brand for making back up copys

Post by LSP-4445 »

I highly recommend Maxell CD-R 80 Mins XL-II Digital Audio Recordable for burning audio cds.
They are a little more expensive than standard data CD-R discs but worth it IMO
A friend of mine told me they that they are made for audio burning and sound quality is better than any
other brands ,first I didnt believe him but now I agree.
I highly recommend giving them a try….I wouldnt bother using them for audience recordings but for multitrack only.
For Blu-ray I use Verbatim RW/BD-R
Sadly in my country the Verbatim 50GB Dual Layer discs is VERY expensive,approx 4x the price of 25GB ones.
Many stores here dont stock them at all.


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Re: best cd=r brand for making back up copys

Post by thespookyman »

I don't know if there is a big difference between different "high end" CD, DVD and BD discs. I have tested the most labels and my favorite is Verbatim. I also use Verbatim M-DISC for long time storage. M-Disc says the disk shall last for at least 100 years. :)
