Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

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Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

I return to a topic that sometimes seems taboo here but that I see more and more important.
Fortunately, there is one thing that, despite the fact that some here would also like to discuss it, is irrefutable:
Music is sound.
And the better the sound, the better what reaches our brain in the form of music.
With Elvis, fortunately, there are no more excuses that what is important is only the music and the medium in which it is heard does not matter.
Both on cd and vinyl, even in other forms too, the sound is getting better and better.
Therefore, it is logical the audiophile aspect is paramount in importance at this point.
I'm not going to criticize those who prefer to spend 95% of their money on records and only 5% on devices.
But I am going to say that every time I hear more details of that music, and of Elvis himself, that are totally covered up in equipment that cannot reproduce them.
Therefore I encourage here those who can contribute a higher percentage in improving the quality of their sound systems.
They will be amazed.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by Marko »

Each one to his own. I personally like good quality sound. Good quality sound system certainly has enhanced my listening experience. The sound quality of todays releases compared to releases 25-30 years ago is stunning in many cases. I'd say that even a relatively modest investment in sound system can make quite a difference compared to a very basic system. However, I know a lot of people who while they enjoy music dont care much about the sound quality. Thats fine.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by hli »

Marko wrote:
Tue May 03, 2022 10:14 pm
Each one to his own. I personally like good quality sound. Good quality sound system certainly has enhanced my listening experience. The sound quality of todays releases compared to releases 25-30 years ago is stunning in many cases. I'd say that even a relatively modest investment in sound system can make quite a difference compared to a very basic system. However, I know a lot of people who while they enjoy music dont care much about the sound quality. Thats fine.
Sadly this can't be said about the quality of the average sound system (not talking high end). But i quess that's what the average listener now a days want or can afford. Streaming and bluetooth speakers or worse playing vinyl on one of those vintage looking suitcase turntables. Sound horrible but they look nice.
I have a hard time listening music when to my ears the audio quality isn't good. But at the end it's your own experience of playing music what counts.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by Marko »

hli wrote:
Wed May 04, 2022 12:58 am
Marko wrote:
Tue May 03, 2022 10:14 pm
Each one to his own. I personally like good quality sound. Good quality sound system certainly has enhanced my listening experience. The sound quality of todays releases compared to releases 25-30 years ago is stunning in many cases. I'd say that even a relatively modest investment in sound system can make quite a difference compared to a very basic system. However, I know a lot of people who while they enjoy music dont care much about the sound quality. Thats fine.
Sadly this can't be said about the quality of the average sound system (not talking high end). But i quess that's what the average listener now a days want or can afford. Streaming and bluetooth speakers or worse playing vinyl on one of those vintage looking suitcase turntables. Sound horrible but they look nice.
I have a hard time listening music when to my ears the audio quality isn't good. But at the end it's your own experience of playing music what counts.
Yes and no. There's always been budget systems and they were quite popular. Remember the 80's when it was popular to have big package stereo set with eq and lots of buttons and switches? Those cheap sets sounded crap and didnt hold up.

On the other hand today you can get a acceptable sound with relatively modest investment. Of course high end is a different matter. Today you have a variety of choices, you can use mobile phone, computer, tv, pad etc to listen to music. Many dont have a dedicated stereo systems anymore. Naturally in order to have a decent sound you need a proper stereo system.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by emjel »

clambake1967 wrote:
Sun May 01, 2022 4:04 pm
I return to a topic that sometimes seems taboo here but that I see more and more important.
Fortunately, there is one thing that, despite the fact that some here would also like to discuss it, is irrefutable:
Music is sound.
And the better the sound, the better what reaches our brain in the form of music.
With Elvis, fortunately, there are no more excuses that what is important is only the music and the medium in which it is heard does not matter.
Both on cd and vinyl, even in other forms too, the sound is getting better and better.
Therefore, it is logical the audiophile aspect is paramount in importance at this point.
I'm not going to criticize those who prefer to spend 95% of their money on records and only 5% on devices.
But I am going to say that every time I hear more details of that music, and of Elvis himself, that are totally covered up in equipment that cannot reproduce them.
Therefore I encourage here those who can contribute a higher percentage in improving the quality of their sound systems.
They will be amazed.
Seems more like a return of another ego trip post to me. And why post this kind of thing in an All Elvis forum.
High end sound systems apply to music in general and are not exclusive to Elvis - this post should be in the Hardware & Software forum.

But consideration must also be made on a timing issue with your post - we are now in a time when the cost of living is going through the roof, where people and many fans are going to be struggling to pay their energy bills and afford petrol and we have a lunatic in control of Russia, so I think the last thing on the minds of Elvis fans is to go out and upgrade from whatever method they currently choose to listen to music on, whether that be a smartphone or a 90s stereo system, to some expensive high end equipment.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

We will agree that Elvis can be heard with audiophile quality but with two important things.
1. The stereo system. And I'm not going to comment on my personal system or mention brands
2. Audiophile Elvis releases. And on cd I clearly see some that I think are the best:
- Ultimate Elvis Japan box set of 10 blu spec cd2 system. possibly the best sounding Elvis digital record ever heard.
- The sacds of Analogue Prs.
- Some Ftd releases, especially from the last few years.
- Some specific things from the CM box set.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by emjel »

clambake1967 wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 8:10 pm
We will agree that Elvis can be heard with audiophile quality but with two important things.
1. The stereo system. And I'm not going to comment on my personal system or mention brands
2. Audiophile Elvis releases. And on cd I clearly see some that I think are the best:
- Ultimate Elvis Japan box set of 10 blu spec cd2 system. possibly the best sounding Elvis digital record ever heard.
- The sacds of Analogue Prs.
- Some Ftd releases, especially from the last few years.
- Some specific things from the CM box set.
Both are purely subjective. I know people who have listened to high end audio systems and they shake their heads in total disbelief at the price being charged and the quality they can hear or rather cannot hear. They come away thinking that their system, whatever it is they own, sounds great and suits their needs.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

Well, I am really happy because I have succeeded in configuring my sound systems, both digital and analog.
Logically I am not going to describe it so that I am not attacked or said to be off topic.
In my opinion, it is much more constructive, in order to listen to Elvis and any genre of music, to describe what sound system you listen to, to help us all mutually in this hobby.
But I respect that not everyone thinks the same of course.
Some people prefer to write a topic talking about what shade of eye color Elvis had.
Which is fine, but we've already read it dozens of times in these decades.
Innovating a little in the forum is not too much.
Like it or not, the sound in the Elvis theme is as vital as oxygen to breathe.
That said, it is true that there are expensive stereos that do not reach the quality they should for what they cost.
But there are also, at a still affordable price, which are wonderful. Elvis or Sinatra or Pavarotti or the Beatles suddenly appear in the room with a fascinating realism.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by When In Rome »

clambake1967 wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 8:10 pm
We will agree that Elvis can be heard with audiophile quality but with two important things.
Left ear and right ear? :mrgreen:
All kidding aside, I reckon whatever you listen to and however you may listen to it, it's all down to the mastering first and foremost. You've got to put something good in there to truly appreciate what's coming out. As a worst case scenario for example LSP-1254(e) is going to sound awful, no matter how much one's system costs...
And at the end of the day, can we really measure one persons enjoyment of music against anothers by the equipment we use. I don't think so...

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by Rob »

Elvis never sounded any better on my system.


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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

Rob wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 2:50 pm
Elvis never sounded any better on my system.

Yes. The Sound of Silence! :D

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

There are original vinyl albums, first pressings or some USA reissues, that sound absolutely audiophile on a good turntable.
Clear examples are That's the way it is, Elvis Now, Raised on Rock, Aloha from Hawaii, all of Nashville 1960 to 1962, various soundtracks up to 1964, and more and more...Also add japanese pressings , some europeans,etc
Thinking that Elvis is not an artist for audiophiles is a common mistake.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

Another little-known item is the original Elvis reel-to-reel prerecorded tapes on Rca.
Many of them are absolutely audiophiles, and unfortunately very little has been reported here in the forum about it.
Listening to Raised on Rock, Aloha, Fun In Acapulco and a few dozen others is a fascinating experience.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by Scoobie »

clambake1967 wrote:
Fri May 06, 2022 5:03 pm
Another little-known item is the original Elvis reel-to-reel prerecorded tapes on Rca.
Many of them are absolutely audiophiles, and unfortunately very little has been reported here in the forum about it.
Listening to Raised on Rock, Aloha, Fun In Acapulco and a few dozen others is a fascinating experience.
I would love to try reel to reel tape, I have heard great things about it. Unfortunately, it is a step too far for me in terms if cost.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by LesterB »

While the link below is a little off topic, you might get a better reception on the Steve Hoffman forum; it caters for the audiophile and sound quality on all mediums.



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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by frus75 »

When In Rome wrote:
clambake1967 wrote:
Thu May 05, 2022 8:10 pm
We will agree that Elvis can be heard with audiophile quality but with two important things.
Left ear and right ear? :mrgreen:
All kidding aside, I reckon whatever you listen to and however you may listen to it, it's all down to the mastering first and foremost. You've got to put something good in there to truly appreciate what's coming out. As a worst case scenario for example LSP-1254(e) is going to sound awful, no matter how much one's system costs...
And at the end of the day, can we really measure one persons enjoyment of music against anothers by the equipment we use. I don't think so...
It works both ways. I mean, you really hit the nail, because many so called audiophile product is really (in essence) a new dedicate and sensible mastering placed on something expensive (180 gr vinyl, etc).

On the contrary, the original vinyl material from the day always gives me less trouble. I find the 180 gr thing an unnecessary thing, that only attracts static and warping. And I also found that those vintage record endure more. The new ones click on almost invisible hairlines, while I have Japan, German and USA pressings that still sound immaculate even with some Visual scratching.

I think many of us who were raised in the 80’s, when low fi plastic hardware was the rule, those compact systems with cassette, radio and tt, with awful tonearms and stylus, we listened to those Elvis vinyl records and found them inferior to later cds.

But, nowadays, even with entry level models (rega p1 for example) and a good set of amp and speakers (even 2nd hand), it’s surprising how good most of those vintage records sounded and still sound. You don’t have to spend a lot to enjoy that sound.

This reminds me something that happened to me. Last June I bought myself a certain amp, an all in one system from a well respected British label. I went to the demonstration room and the guy (a high respected authority here in Spain) let me a moment to test it. He let a certain song playing, but gave me the wifi code. So I opened my Apple Music app, and played fever (take 1) from the 8” FTD and air played it to the system. Of course, it’s a mp3 upload. High quality mp3, but mp3. And you know naming mp3 to an audiophile is like naming the devil. So the guy comes back and MARVELS at the sound, and asks me if it’s qobuz or whatever. I mumbled a yes, not telling him what marveled was a mp3 file.

So: mastering, good hardware without selling your children to pay it, and ALWAYS follow your ears, not another’s. Ah yes, and good


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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by clambake1967 »

About the first prints of the first impressions of the vinyls from the United States, I have no doubt. They are a real wonder in general.
I have been lucky enough to have and listen to near mint condition vinyl from the 50s of Elvis, and I assure you that nothing has managed to replicate it. No original pressings from any other country, no audiophile vinyl, nothing.
And the same with Frank Sinatra and others.
It's hard to describe the sound of "Elvis Presley" (1956), "Elvis" (1956), King Creole(1958) USA first pressings near mint.
It bears little resemblance to either a 60s monaural reissue or nothing.
And what about the Living Stereo period!!!! Not even the magnificent Elvis is Back by Analogue Prs at 45rpm comes close!!!!
Next up is Japanese pressings, especially from the 70s.
As for the Europeans, I confess that I don't know him that well. I doubt they will reach the quality of those mentioned above. but they can still be excellent, especially from Germany.

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Re: Elvis and Audiophile Sound Systems

Post by Elvisiana »

hi friends, i want to talk about my sound system. I am a CD collector, then, after years of CD players, now I use the PC as a reader and my hard disks as the source of the files that I extract directly from the CD with Extract audio copy in wav or flac format. My sound system also consists of a YAMAHA AX496 amplifier, indiana line Tesi 261 speakers and an AIYIMA DAC-A6.
As a player I use Foobar2000 DarkOne
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