FECC in Virtual Reality

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FECC in Virtual Reality

Post by fecc-mechanic »

So an early Christmas present to myself, I decided to upgrade to a new PC.

As luck would have it, as a promotion - the retailer was including a "Windows Mixed Reality" setup for free.

At first, I thought "Eh, virtual reality for a PC must just be a gimmick at this point"... How wrong I was!
With the windows mixed reality "house" (sort of your home in virtual reality) - you are able to browse the internet in this 3d world. So where did I go first?
FECC of course!

The 2d image really does not do it justice. The "browser" can be manipulated to where it feels like you are sitting in a room with a 20 foot tall screen projecting what you are browsing in front of you.

Not only is it great for browsing the web - but you can even use "Google Earth" ( to visit far-away lands (or your childhood home - as I did). Netflix/Hulu/Youtube support also? Yep.

Also, there is a big "gaming community" with games specifically for this - but I haven't really delved into that yet.

As the prices come down for these setups, I really see VR as the future of the internet and home computing. A good example of where that is going is via the "virtual desktop" app:

Anybody else enjoying this newly released technology? What's your experience been like?
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Re: FECC in Virtual Reality

Post by drjohncarpenter »

This is an absolutely insane post!

I love where you took your maiden voyage.

I have not yet delved into the VM world, for fear I may never leave the house. We will be here for you if you get "trapped."


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