1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal


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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by Val »

Elvis was the King of everything when these shots were taken.

Thank you for posting all of them!

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by londonflash »

Great stuff! EP has that hungry look in his eyes.

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by Rocker »

Thanks as always, Davide !!

davide wrote: "Treat me like a fool,Treat me mean 'n' cool , but Love Me"

You might wanna change cool to cruel

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by OnTourCam »

to be honest it wouldn't surprise me if some footage does come out of this session

also the first thing i would do is find the original master tapes if they have kept them and record everything that is on them who knows there might be some footage left at the end

my understand of footage within the last 20 or 30 years is once it's digitised on the latest format the original kepts destroyed

So i'm guessing the originals are not around in the 1 inch format

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by Captain Marvel Jr »

Amazing PHOTOS!!!!
I’d like to thank you for everything

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by vinelvis »


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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by karlos »

Great pictures on this thread \- Thanks so much \- I just wish that we had seen footage of these to accompany the 3 dvd set of The Comeback Special if they existed - I sure love this thread ty all for sharing _ :smt006 ::rocks

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by Juan Luis »

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by karlos »

here are some that I love from this era

Was this filmed I wonder _as there are many pictures in books like 68 @40 BY J.A.T. and on cover of Elvis For Everyone - re- release Lp _And if it has who has the footage - Would it be Steve Binder or NBC Studios _ California _ In 1969 showing of the 68 Comeback Special _BBC TV in UK showed a small clip of Elvis singing ''Blue Christmas ''.I wonder if this is true -

Maybe this footage lies within the archives of the BBCTV . wonder if any one knows about this enquiry ?- :smt006

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by drjohncarpenter »

karlos wrote:Was this filmed I wonder _as there are many pictures in books ...
It was a camera and microphone rehearsal before the 6-27-1968 6pm taping. By all accounts, nothing was recorded.

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by karlos »

thanks John Carpenter for the information
I just wish that this could have filmed as it could have been a great accompaniment to the deluxe edition of the '68 comeback special and other titles of the tv special too
best wishes sent :smt006 ::rocks
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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by jetblack »

Only photos taken and no footage. It's truly shocking. :shock:



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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by phiad »

The fool wrote:And two more...
great shots

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by rlj4ep »

It's too bad that apparently there was no film of these sessions. Would be fun to see it.


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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by jurasic1968 »

rlj4ep wrote:It's too bad that apparently there was no film of these sessions. Would be fun to see it.

Too bad, for sure.

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by keninlincs »

Hopefully if filmed,the tamborine player had the day off that day,that would make it priceless.

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by latebloomer »

Am I missing something? I don't see David's thread, just everyone's agonizingly tantalizing praise of it. Has it been moved somewhere? Do I need to do something special (besides log in) to see it?

I agree with everyone: We need a place for PERMANENT threads, like this one.


Elvis Presley was an explorer of vast new landscapes of dream and illusion. He was a man who refused to be told that the best of his dreams would not come true, who refused to be defined by anyone else's perceptions. This is the goal of democracy, the journey on which every American hero sets out. That Elvis made so much of the journey on his own is reason enough to remember him with the honor and love we reserve for the bravest among us. Such men made the only maps we can trust.
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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by Alan_K »

latebloomer wrote:
Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:59 pm
Am I missing something? I don't see David's thread, just everyone's agonizingly tantalizing praise of it. Has it been moved somewhere? Do I need to do something special (besides log in) to see it?

I agree with everyone: We need a place for PERMANENT threads, like this one.
Looking at the dates in the first post it would appear Davide deleted the original post content just over 9 years after first posting it.
Davide has tended to use 3rd party image hosting before and these drop off so after a while no images appear just an "Image not found" icon.
So it may have bneen Davide tidying it up and the two letters he's posted in place, "de" could stand for "deleted"
Hope that helps, though I coould be completely wrong.

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by latebloomer »

Okay. Thanks.


Elvis Presley was an explorer of vast new landscapes of dream and illusion. He was a man who refused to be told that the best of his dreams would not come true, who refused to be defined by anyone else's perceptions. This is the goal of democracy, the journey on which every American hero sets out. That Elvis made so much of the journey on his own is reason enough to remember him with the honor and love we reserve for the bravest among us. Such men made the only maps we can trust.
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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by Tony Trout »

I spoke via FB messenger to Steve Binder a good while back and, regarding the "blue shirt rehearsal" and any possible footage? Only photos exist, sadly....just like in Erik Lorentzen's new TTWII book trilogy, the only thing from the "blue shirt rehearsal of August 10, 1970 that exists are the photos. Elvis barred Dennis Sanders' film crew from the showroom that day to concentrate on the songs for that August 10, 1970 OS/ON (Opening Show/Opening Night).

"If the songs don't go over, we can do a medley of costumes!" - Elvis Presley (August 10, 1970 backstage in his dressing room before the first show of the August, 10, 1970/September 8, 1970 season in Vegas).

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Re: 1968 NBC Studios June 27th (Blue shirt) Camera Rehearsal

Post by latebloomer »

Tony Trout, thanks! Sigh. Although it figures; Elvis was excited about the show, but nervous. Too bad, though, that must have been an extraordinary day.

I'd give a lot to know whether Elvis ever found out about, and confronted Parker with, Parker's perfidy in dropping all of the tickets for the shows with one of the gate guards. Elvis should have fired him over his other, endless, attempts to scuttle the show, but that one ought to have been worth a law suit all by itself.


Elvis Presley was an explorer of vast new landscapes of dream and illusion. He was a man who refused to be told that the best of his dreams would not come true, who refused to be defined by anyone else's perceptions. This is the goal of democracy, the journey on which every American hero sets out. That Elvis made so much of the journey on his own is reason enough to remember him with the honor and love we reserve for the bravest among us. Such men made the only maps we can trust.
--- Dave Marsh in Elvis.