The MRS ban

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The MRS ban

Post by pmp »

I understand (kind of) about the ban on MRS discussions, BUT could we at least have any announcement about MRS releases pinned to the top of the board for several days, even without commenting being allowed? This is an Elvis CD forum, after all, and many would no doubt want to see those announcements. Aa things stand, someone posts about a new release and then it's fallen off the first page in hours. My understanding is that the stopping of the comments was due to arguments rather than a management position on MRS itself, and so a sticky closed topic for a day or two could surely be a middle ground. The same could, I guess, be done for Sold Out releases - although I know very little about them.

Accused of being "a nerd in his 20s." I wish.


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Re: The MRS band

Post by drjohncarpenter »

pmp wrote:
Thu Dec 19, 2024 7:48 pm
I understand (kind of) . . .


Dr. John Carpenter, M.D.
Stop, look and listen, baby <<--->> that's my philosophy!