I suppose this is the right place: I just got a MONDO friend request in my e-mail, from a person on Facebook called "fecc" - says he's joined!
I friended him.

(removed for time being, until it can be verified -feccmechanic)
UPDATE: I saw the post "just testing."
A Facebook presence was going to be my suggestion. A YouTube channel might also be VERY cool; a place to pool the BEST Elvis and music vids related to our interests! The YouTube channel could be EXTREMELY cool! (It's easier to put nice artwork on the Channel pages now. I'm working on something myself.)
"Twitter" is questionable, what with 140 characters. On the other hand, when there's a "special event" and people want to update the group "live" (I did this last New Year's Eve, and a forum isn't designed for that), Twitter IS the place. If someone is at a concert that everyone is interested in, they can tweet out to FECC'ers what's happening, in real time, very easily. But it would be for that sort of thing; discussion is not really a Twitter thing. But you can link right back in here for a discussion of what is happening.
Facebook "Groups," btw, can be cool places, where people really are closer than anywhere else, and only in "Groups" can you can upload documents, so if someone wants to write a long analysis, it's up there. Others can collaborate, or at least leave comments. Depends on the file format, and if it's a protected document. People can share their written, and/or published work that way with just us. Groups can be completely private. An option if people wish to share published work, or work that is IN the works. That's important if you'd like other erudite members to read your work and leave comments. You can even put up Word docs, and then you'd have routing slip capability. Would help people in their work!)
A Facebook presence would be a fine thing; it would help to link up.
Many good ideas from everyone! Thanks for the requests! And for what you're already doing!
