Official FECC Feature Request Thread

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by rjm »


I suppose this is the right place: I just got a MONDO friend request in my e-mail, from a person on Facebook called "fecc" - says he's joined!

I friended him. :D

(removed for time being, until it can be verified -feccmechanic)

UPDATE: I saw the post "just testing."

A Facebook presence was going to be my suggestion. A YouTube channel might also be VERY cool; a place to pool the BEST Elvis and music vids related to our interests! The YouTube channel could be EXTREMELY cool! (It's easier to put nice artwork on the Channel pages now. I'm working on something myself.)

"Twitter" is questionable, what with 140 characters. On the other hand, when there's a "special event" and people want to update the group "live" (I did this last New Year's Eve, and a forum isn't designed for that), Twitter IS the place. If someone is at a concert that everyone is interested in, they can tweet out to FECC'ers what's happening, in real time, very easily. But it would be for that sort of thing; discussion is not really a Twitter thing. But you can link right back in here for a discussion of what is happening.

Facebook "Groups," btw, can be cool places, where people really are closer than anywhere else, and only in "Groups" can you can upload documents, so if someone wants to write a long analysis, it's up there. Others can collaborate, or at least leave comments. Depends on the file format, and if it's a protected document. People can share their written, and/or published work that way with just us. Groups can be completely private. An option if people wish to share published work, or work that is IN the works. That's important if you'd like other erudite members to read your work and leave comments. You can even put up Word docs, and then you'd have routing slip capability. Would help people in their work!)

A Facebook presence would be a fine thing; it would help to link up.

Many good ideas from everyone! Thanks for the requests! And for what you're already doing! :D

Last edited by rjm on Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:08 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by JimmyCool »

Justin wrote:How about some kind of "Notifications" or "Alerts" section that lets you know if anyone's added anything after one of your posts, or quoted your post or "liked" your post?
Haven't you checked the "Notify me when a reply is posted" item?

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by rjm »

I get notifications on my phone, in tapatalk, and if I'm near the computer, I just come on in. On the phone/mobile, you have several choices: the web view, the mobile view, tapatalk. Tapatalk gives you PM notifications, and I guess others if they're checked. (IPhones have a bit diff. notification system. I get them immediately, if the phone is handy. It's great when you're out and about. If you're not able to answer, you can at least tell the person you're on mobile, and will answer fully as soon as you get the chance, or after work.)

If you have an android phone/device, the notifications come in nicely. Do get tapatalk, if only for this! (I also use the new s-pen note feature to craft longer replies. Needed some learning to figure out how to copy the whole note over, if it's several pages long, and with quoted material in there, it can be.) I also have Extensive Notes Pro app. In Jelly Bean, there's a new "select all" icon, and you gotta find it, and when you do, it's easy. You can also craft answers in tapatalk, easily. Just doesn't have the best smileys.

Chrome also has a browser extension for notifications!


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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Great ideas everyone.. I should be able to start working on some of these in the next couple of days - if not sooner.

Robin - I am not sure if this FECC facebook account is actually legit ---- or if it is a member here (or?!?) that started it. As far as I know, it is not official.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by rjm »

Last night, I tried to fix my post, and eliminate the url, (and all the excitement), but that post wouldn't edit for some reason. A gremlin?

It worked now! Thanks, Jordan. I didn't want to leave it there, if it's not official. It kept directing to an error page when I tried to edit the post.

Anyway, I "unfriended" uh, it. ;)

Last edited by rjm on Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by Mike S »

Have you ever thought of deleting the offending parts of a controversial post and substituting it with a warning notice instead?

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Mike S wrote:Have you ever thought of deleting the offending parts of a controversial post and substituting it with a warning notice instead?
You would have to ask a moderator that. I suggest contacting moderator1 or moderator2 with questions relating to moderation.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by poormadpeter »

Mike S wrote:Have you ever thought of deleting the offending parts of a controversial post and substituting it with a warning notice instead?

That used to happen many moons ago.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by Elvisgirl »

fecc-mechanic wrote:Great ideas everyone.. I should be able to start working on some of these in the next couple of days - if not sooner.

Robin - I am not sure if this FECC facebook account is actually legit ---- or if it is a member here (or?!?) that started it. As far as I know, it is not official.
a Facebook FECC group or fan page would be cool


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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by norrie »

The last time I tried to change my e-mail adress on my profile I was blocked and had to change it back to my old one to log on again.Maybe I can do it now but I don't want to risk it.can I do it now?


Oh,I should mention I'm a computer idiot!

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by Ciscoking »

norrie wrote:
Oh,I should mention I'm a computer idiot!
You are not the only one... :lol:

Jordan,..excellent job you are doing...glad to have you as a friend... :smt006

Thanks to Ernst Joergensen, Roger Semon and Erik Rasmussen for the great work. Keep the spirit alive !

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

As you can see, some of the requested changes have been implemented.
A "Thanks System", Topic Preview, the ability to change the font size (top right hand corner below the search box), and more to come.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by Elvisgirl »

FECC you look so different :oops:
looking good!! ::rocks


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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by Justin »

Oh hell yeah. Nicely done Jordan...the makeover looks fantastic. Love the look and feel. Thanks for doing this! ::rocks


Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by poormadpeter »

TCB-FAN wrote:
Justin wrote:i like the "like" feature very much...hope we see that here

How about some kind of "Notifications" or "Alerts" section that lets you know if anyone's added anything after one of your posts, or quoted your post or "liked" your post?

The +1 quote is good enough for me. No need for the like button. I'm sick of facebook.
I'd much rather have a "like" button. The +1 quote only serves to take up space and makes the thread seem a lot longer than it actually is. However, I also think the two things are quite different. Thanking someone for a post or liking a post doesn't mean that you agree with every word of it, whereas that is exactly what I understand to be the meaning of a +1.

The new board layout will take a little getting used to, but the fact that requests and comments were taken on board by the powers that be over the last few days and been implemented so quickly should be highly praised.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

poormadpeter wrote:
TCB-FAN wrote:
Justin wrote:i like the "like" feature very much...hope we see that here

How about some kind of "Notifications" or "Alerts" section that lets you know if anyone's added anything after one of your posts, or quoted your post or "liked" your post?

The +1 quote is good enough for me. No need for the like button. I'm sick of facebook.
I'd much rather have a "like" button. The +1 quote only serves to take up space and makes the thread seem a lot longer than it actually is. However, I also think the two things are quite different. Thanking someone for a post or liking a post doesn't mean that you agree with every word of it, whereas that is exactly what I understand to be the meaning of a +1.

The new board layout will take a little getting used to, but the fact that requests and comments were taken on board by the powers that be over the last few days and been implemented so quickly should be highly praised.
Thanks for the input peter.
I have removed the informational message that is added to posts when they are "thanked". This will cut down on the space used, but still leaving the core "Thanks System" in place.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by poormadpeter »

One quick thing that may not be possible is the search facilities. It would be useful to be able to have a search facility where we can search for threads started by a particular member. I think most of the really great posts on here are opening posts that get discussions going or whatever, and so I just think that search function might be useful. It may not be possible, take too much time, or other people might not think it would be useful, but just an idea.

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

poormadpeter wrote:One quick thing that may not be possible is the search facilities. It would be useful to be able to have a search facility where we can search for threads started by a particular member. I think most of the really great posts on here are opening posts that get discussions going or whatever, and so I just think that search function might be useful. It may not be possible, take too much time, or other people might not think it would be useful, but just an idea.
Great idea! I'll see if this is possible!

All the best from Memphis,

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

poormadpeter wrote:One quick thing that may not be possible is the search facilities. It would be useful to be able to have a search facility where we can search for threads started by a particular member. I think most of the really great posts on here are opening posts that get discussions going or whatever, and so I just think that search function might be useful. It may not be possible, take too much time, or other people might not think it would be useful, but just an idea.
This feature comes standard in the default "advanced search" functionality.
See the attached screenshot.
This is what you mean, right? :D

Just hit "advanced search"
type in the user in the user search field, then click "search in first posts only"
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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by poormadpeter »

So it does! Doh! :)

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by fecc-mechanic »

Matthew wrote:We're DESPERATELY in need of a 'Facepalm' smiley.
BAM! Ask and you shall receive! :facep:

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by rjm »

Wow! FECC looks kewl! Hot dang, Jordan, you really gave us a lovely holiday gift!

Thank you so much! I must explore.

First, I have to figure out how to say "thank you" with a button, which is here.

Next, I assume the web site button is only for those whose web sites are either directly Elvis-related, or pop culture related?

One more question: where is "active topics"? It only shows "your posts," and then you search the sub-forums. I could get used to that but active topics are "what's happening" presently. I'll get used to it.

In any event, whoa! Beautiful!


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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by keninlincs »

A much better design ,thanks Jordan

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by Justin »

Jordan, could we consider removing the "Ratings" column? When we see the list of topic threads, I"m not sure the ratings column is really that crucial--especially since not everyone will use it and at the moment it sort of clutters up the space a bit.

Also it would be really cool if by clicking the thread title, it automatically sends you to the newest message you haven't read. That'd be a nice feature to have...

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Re: Official FECC Feature Request Thread

Post by R2-D2 »

I'd like to see the "Location" info have some actual meaning. Seeing members listed as being located "under the bed" makes the board appear childish. Would possibly help members appreciate some of the language difficulties if we knew the poster's first language wasn't English. Seeing a member offering items for trade but not knowing where they are located can be really frustrating.