Inspired by this topic...
The Golden Gate Quartet
... And the questions this topic evoked with me, I did a little bit of research on the net, focussing especially on French sites.
It's common knowledge that Elvis had a jamsession with the Golden Gate Quartet in Paris (somewhere between 12-16 January 1960). Lesser known - it seems - is that French singer Line Renaud was also singing along in that jam session. Here you see her singing the song "Jeremy" with the Golden Gate quartet in that same period in time (1959/1960):
posted on Youtube by yoko lele on June 10, 2012
So some songs they sung that night, might have sound a bit like this (with Elvis' voice, and guitar sound, added of course).
From a (freely translated) article about Line Renaud, published on June 25, 2015 on
In 1960, Elvis Presley did his military service in Germany. He went to Paris with four other friends/soldiers who joined him.
At one time in January he met Line Renaud at the Lido Show at the Casino The Paris. He followed her and her husband LouLou Gasté to her dressing room. (Louis "Loulou" Gasté (18 March 1908 – 8 January 1995) was a French composer of several successful mélodies.He discovered and launched Line Renaud, a famous French singer and actress in 1945, and married her in 1950)
Gasté showed him a guitar which Django Reinhardt had played, and Elvis began to caress it and played a little. It lasted until 6 am. The musicians of the Golden Gate joined in, and Line Renaud sang along.
Line Renaud and Elvis became friends, and both artists often met later in Las Vegas.
With Line Renaud and Edward G. Robinson, July 1968 - Dunes Hotel, Las Vegas, NV*
From an interview with her in 2002. She just returned to Paris from a visit to Las Vegas:
What remains today, in your eyes, of the Elvis myth?
Yesterday I was in the US. I can assure you that we can not open a newspaper there, tune in to radio or watch TV without finding Elvis in or on it. Just as in the best days of his fame. Elvis is really still an idol. I know of no other example of such loyalty in admiration and affection.
You had, yourself, the privilege of knowing ...
I can even say with precision in what circumstance I met him. It was January 8, 1960. A date that I will not forget: it turns out that it was his birthday. He was 25 years old and arrived from Germany enjoying a permission for leave. As for me, I just began at the Casino de Paris. Needless to say I was on tenterhooks ... Thereupon an usher came to tell my husband, Louis Gasté, in the lodge there were four US soldiers, one of which looked like Elvis Presley. Loulou went to have a look, recognized Elvis and invited him to come to my dressing room, with friends, at the end of the show. And Elvis came ...
How did he come about?
Shy and discreet. He immediately noticed the guitar Loulou had standing. He fondled it and pinched a few strings. "On it I composed Feeling" said Loulou.
At the Moulin Rouge in France. For illustration purpose only. Not taken at the meeting described!
Django Reinhardt with (probably) the guitar Elvis played at this jam session. This is a close-up.
Elvis found himself in familiar territory and was more familiar. The Golden Gate Quartet joined us and then I got the best concert of my life. Elvis had dropped his jacket and, with the four singers of the Golden Gate, he chained blues, gospel and rock until 6 am ... It was fabulous and I will never forgive myself for not being able to save this sitting. We totally improvised. When Elvis went with his buddies, we were already friends and promised to attend the premiere of my show in Las Vegas, scheduled for late October 1963 (might be July 1968 - MFH). Promise kept ... Of course, I was also at his first show ...
Beyond the star, what impression gave Elvis as a person?
What struck me most is his kindness, his simplicity, his courtesy, his delicacy. No star for two pennies. Ultimately, I would say he was humble. He really had everything to seduce. He was handsome and impeccably dressed. And then there was this exceptional voice, this stamp, this phrasing, vocal color that ...
Until the end ?
I do not want to go there. It is true that within a few years Elvis had become unrecognizable. All I can say is that I want the doctor who trained in forfeiture. The first who prescribed drugs to sleep and others to keep awake, making Elvis a slave without a will which had lost its glamor, charm and softness. This is his fame that killed him. But I want to keep only the memory of a single singer and a very human man. It is one that remains, and will remain, at the heart of millions of fans and admirers. As mine ...
An interview with Line Renaud (probably from 2014) on French Television channel Europe1. Use YouTube subtitles in your own language to understand what is being said. In short:
Line Renaud was told during her show at the Casino de Paris that there were 4 American soldiers in the audience and that Elvis was among them. So the 4 were invited to Line's apartment after the show and stayed for the next 6 hours. When asked what she did with Elvis for 6 hours, Line replied: 'Unfortunately, I was not alone with him!' (audience laughs)
Elvis sang and played guitar in her apartment, and together with the Golden Gate Quartet who were in the house as well, they sang gospel songs. This was the only time that Elvis gave a (private) concert in France.
Line Renaud raconte son concert privé avec Elvis Presley
Line Renaud est l’invitée de Nikos Aliagas dans « Sortez du cadre » pour « La douce empoisonneuse », une fiction réalisée par Bernard Stora, le 12 décembre sur Arte.
Posted on YouTube by Europe 1 on November 28, 2014
Line Renaud Plaisirs 1959
Line Renaud dans sa 1ère revue au Casino de Paris en 1959, spectacle qui se jouera jusqu'en 1963.
Le Golden Gate Quartet faisait partie de la revue. Translation: Line Renaud in her first show at the Casino de Paris in 1959. The show ran till 1963. The Golden gate Quartet had a part in this "revue"
Posted on YouTube by hyppolite1 on June 25, 2009
Bit better quality
Less cropped: Pierre Guillermin, Line Renaud, Hubert Rostaing (standing), Louis Gasté, Django Reinhardt
Nice to know:
"Pour Toi" / "Feelings"/ "Dis-Lui" : Story of a single song
In September 1956, Loulou composed "Pour Toi" ("For you") with lyrics by Albert Simonin and his wife Marie-Hélène Bourquin, for the popular singer Dario Moreno. Dario Moreno sang it in the film Le Feu aux Poudres. It was sung later by Line Renaud, and was reinterpreted in France and internationally by various singers.
In 1974, Morris Albert sang it in English and was associated as the original author in "Feelings", launched in São Paulo by Augusta Do Brazil. In 1975, Mike Brant brought it back to France under the title "Dis-Lui" ("Tell her").
In 1976, "Feelings" was a worldwide success (..)
In 1977, Loulou discovered the song was one of his own melodies and later sued Morris Albert. On 22 December 1988, a court found in favor of Loulou Gasté, and he is now officially the sole creator of the song, gaining seven-eighths of all royalties (though Albert gets the rest for his lyrics contribution).
These men are no members of the Golden Gate Quartet, though some websites say they are. Does anyone know who they really are?

July 18, 1957 Cinemonde No.1197 - Vintage Magazine with Pier Angeli Elvis Presley Line Renaud Giulietta Masina

* Date found in this topic published by drjohncarpenter on at May 22, 2010 3:25 am:
Elvis Says Hello To Line Renaud --> July 1968 !