[WE DID IT!] Jordan in Critical Condition

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by BrianTCB »

For anyone on the fence about donating, do it. You won't regret it:


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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by drjohncarpenter »

Please support our good friend and forum guru, Jordan.

Have I mentioned that FECC isn't here without him?



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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by fecc-mechanic »

Feeling pretty weaak, and down today, but nothing I'm not already used to..

The new normals of walking with a cane/walking stick, having speech impediments, and an assortment of other cognitive disabilities (and people staring) are not just bringing me down TODAY, but I'm slowly accepting and adapting to the fact that this will be a "FOREVER" kind of thing. It's just hard to wrap my head around (no pun intended).

If I haven't imposed enough already on y'all, if you could share ths link (https://gofund.me/d9eae178)to one, five, ten, or (???) people out there, it would help tremendously!!! And would potentially help me reach my goal.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done thus far!

:orange_heart: ::rocks :orange_heart:



I apologize this update is such a downer, I guess I just needed to vent.

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by drjohncarpenter »

Please support this good man if you can.

Any amount will only help his progress to a better life.

He's done more for this forum than most of you even know.


fecc-mechanic wrote:
Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:54 pm
Feeling pretty weaak, and down today, but nothing I'm not already used to..

The new normals of walking with a cane/walking stick, having speech impediments, and an assortment of other cognitive disabilities (and people staring) are not just bringing me down TODAY, but I'm slowly accepting and adapting to the fact that this will be a "FOREVER" kind of thing. It's just hard to wrap my head around (no pun intended).

If I haven't imposed enough already on y'all, if you could share ths link (https://gofund.me/d9eae178)to one, five, ten, or (???) people out there, it would help tremendously!!! And would potentially help me reach my goal.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done thus far!

:orange_heart: ::rocks :orange_heart:



I apologize this update is such a downer, I guess I just needed to vent.

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by latebloomer »

Hang in there, Jordan. You still are a fine man, with a good mind and a solid character, and the best friend FECC ever has had.

About ten years ago my next-door neighbor, Ben, lost an arm in a vehicle accident. He had been a plumber, but had wanted to change fields before he was hurt. As soon as he could, he went back to plumbing to satisfy himself that he could, but still wanted to change jobs. He did fine, modified lots of his tools (often working far into the night), then set out to find a new job. He told me he was so tired of being assessed as "an amputee" instead of as "Ben, capable prospective employee". He said the only comments that never bothered him were questions from children about what had happened to his arm, because they simply wanted to know why he had only one when everyone else has two. His son (4th grade) took him to school for Show and Tell, which he said was one of the best afternoons of his life.

Keep your chin up, Jordan. Like Ben, you're still Jordan. Like all of us, different now than yesterday, than a decade ago -- but still ticking. You can do anything you are determined to do, as we all can - as my neighbor Ben did. Just don't give up on yourself. We never will!!

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by fecc-mechanic »

Here it is the evening of July 29th. And I'm still where I was a month ago. Emotionally, physically, and psychologically.

Not to mention monetarily.

I hate to use the word "beg", but if you could please share this link (https://gofund.me/d9eae178) around the office, at church, or wherever you can think of, it would greatly be appreciated.

I am indebted to everyone who has given.

I feel like their should be a way for me to give back - but nothing can compare to your generosity.

ALL of you are heroes and angels in my book.

But here I am again asking for contributions to reach my goal.

How much is too much?

I AM MORTIFIED that constantly asking for contributions is going to turn everyone against me.

But I have no other way.

And I am absolutely ASHAMED that I have to ask on such a public forum.

If anyone can make a contribution no matter the number, you know how much it means to me. It is EXTREMELY critical at this time.

And if you are unable to; I continue to ask for your thoughts and prayers. Those are extremely valuable to me as well.

Thank you for reading this.



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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by BrianTCB »

If anyone is still on the fence about donating (why are you?), I highly recommend it. Not only are you donating to an amazing person and the man responsible for keeping this forum active, but a critical part of the Elvis community.

:smt023 :smt023 :smt023

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Not been a good year Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by fecc-mechanic »

On Friday August, 11, 2023 on what felt like one of the hottest days in Memphis this year (heat index of 105 IIRC), I came outside on the patio like I usually do (I have a giant fan) to do some quick emails in my "comfy chair." And then get my butt back in doors.

But like the best laid plans...Things don't always happen that way.

I had a seizure while outside. I was outside from what we gather to be no less than five hours. no more than seven. When my wife came home and found me - my giant fan was OFF, and so was I.

Then, B/MFD was called, sent to hospital, rinse and repeat. From what I was told luckily somehow I didn't have heat stroke. But I was in a post-seizure state until almost 5am the next morning.

I remember the doctor insisting that I stay, but knowing how I have had bad experiences at that facility, my wife and in-laws somehow talked them into letting me go home. And here I am. I am blessed to have them in my life, as true advocates.

2023 has not been a good year. A very bad one on so many levels.

Or on the flip side of the coin it has been a VERY GOOD YEAR..

So many different times I could have "bitten the bullet" but for some unknown reason I haven't.

I think all of ya'll have something to do with me not giving up. No doubt about it. And when I say "Ya'll" I mean "Ya'll". From my close friends in the Elvis community, Fans who I fix something on the forums for, clients who keep my brain "sharp", or even the complete stranger who I just get a chuckle from reading their input sometimes.

One thing I have learned over this year, and almost dying what feels like a million times. Each of you matter. Each of you are important. Not just to me, but to each other too! Please keep that in mind. WE ARE one big HAPPY family!!! if you like it or not.

We have a common interest that ties us all together..Never forget that. Please. We are all getting older and hell, at 41, I feel 91.I remember starting all this stuff online at 14. Time flies. And If there is anything that I want you to remember - We are all together in this "wonderful world of Elvis", and are family, even if sometimes there are disputes among members. Those are fleeting moments. At the end of the day we are FAMILY.

It is critical not just for me, but for this forum, and many of your favorite Elvis websites as well that if you haven't visited my GoFundMe (link below) to PLEASE do so. Even if you have done so already, I kindly ask you do so again. Because just when I was getting a handle on everything, the Aug 11th event happened. Pushing me far far back in my progress physically and financially. And EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS

Thank you for your time.

Your friend through Elvis,
Jordan Ritchie


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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by rlj4ep »

Thank you for your update Jordan. I am so sorry for your set back. Thankfully you received the medical help you needed.
While it is challenging stay strong and positive. I am remembering to keep you in my prayers daily and am trusting your health will improve...., often in life it is the "waiting" and questions which is difficult....., but know that all of us here are pulling for you and caring very much.

Stay strong and keep trusting......

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VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!! Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by fecc-mechanic »


I got the news that there is nothing they can do any further.

I will be like this for the rest of my life.

It is the thing I feared the most.

My cognition feels "intact", yet I have "cognitive impairments".

My speech depending on emotion either sounds:

like this guy:

To this guy:

In an unbelievably bad way.
Or a mixture of the two.

When I used to sound like this fella:

And I now walk like this:
*Special thanks to @moderator3 for introducing me to Giphy.

This is not to extract pity from ya'll. On the contrary.


On November 28th, the future of all the sites on the ElviCities servers itself are in jeopardy. That is when the multi-year contract with my server provider and other contracts are up, and when it would normally be time for renewal.

I was hoping beyond hope that I would have met my GoFundMe goal as that had a built-in buffer to provide for this. (Previous cash on hand).
But in my state of mind, that buffer went towards my medical bills. I have nobody to blame for this but myself.

But it would kill me to know that my servers and all the sites on it would disappear because of it!

If there is any way ya'll could contribute to: https://gofund.me/d9eae178 not only would it help with my medical related costs, but it would also ensure that some of your favorite sites (including this one) stay online.

So, I kindly ask for you to contribute to https://gofund.me/d9eae178 every dollar counts! And I am sorry to involve everyone in this cluster-youknowwhat !!!!!!

THANK YOU for your consideration, thoughts, and prayers through all of this!


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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition



you are strong jordan i am thinking of you your friend from quebec

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by On Tape 1972 »

All the best to you from across the Atlantic!

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by Stevenson »

Jordan, stay positive and keep fighting, you're stronger than the disease.
You're in my prayers, friend

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by drjohncarpenter »

If every member chips in, we can keep this site going, and help out Jordan.

I'm contributing, and I hope you will too.

There's no better place on the internet to discuss Elvis Presley's life and career -->


Dr. John Carpenter, M.D.
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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by BrianTCB »

If you're still on the fence about donating, why? Jump off that fence and do it. I'll be donating again also.

The doc is right, there is no better place on the web to talk about Elvis!

Do it:


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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by Scarre »

Yes, please contribute.

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by elvis-fan »

Done! Stay strong my friend!

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by drjohncarpenter »


Any amount helps . . . both JORDAN and FECC !!

::rocks ::rocks ::rocks

Dr. John Carpenter, M.D.
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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by Winston »

I keep him and his family in my prayers. That is so sad to read.

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by LesterB »

My prayers are with you, Jordan


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Re: VERY IMPORTANT NEWS!!!!! Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by iplayastrat »

fecc-mechanic wrote:
Mon Aug 28, 2023 5:45 pm

I was hoping beyond hope that I would have met my GoFundMe goal as that had a built-in buffer to provide for this. (Previous cash on hand).
But in my state of mind, that buffer went towards my medical bills. I have nobody to blame for this but myself.

But it would kill me to know that my servers and all the sites on it would disappear because of it!\

THANK YOU for your consideration, thoughts, and prayers through all of this!


Don't be hard on yourself Jordan. You and your medical bills come first.
I want you to know that I've been praying for you.

Take care.

My escape from society continues...

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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by fecc-mechanic »

Mon Aug 28, 2023 6:51 pm
you are strong jordan i am thinking of you your friend from Quebec.
@THE KING OF SPADE Merci beaucoup!
On Tape 1972 wrote:
Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:14 pm
All the best to you from across the Atlantic!
@On Tape 1972 Thank you my far away friend!
Stevenson wrote:
Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:26 pm
Jordan, stay positive and keep fighting, you're stronger than the disease.
You're in my prayers, friend
@Stevenson Sometimes it is ridiculously hard to (stay positive) when the entire world seems to have changed. But just only for me. I used to like to take long drives out into the country to my "peaceful place" - but that is no longer feasible. I don't want to have a seizure while driving and run into someone. And since they are so frequent, my doctor has made me promise not to drive anyway. So, I made the decision to get rid of it a year ago. It was my pride and joy, an '11 Toyota Camry XLE. It was mine and completely paid for. That's just a small example. I don't want to get ya'll down
I appreciate your kind words and your prayers. My inner strength is about depleted.Since I don'rt have that car, my freedom is lost/depending on others, and I spend most days out on the patio. But ya'lls kind messages energize that part of my soul.
Thank you, @Stevenson!!!

drjohncarpenter wrote:
Mon Aug 28, 2023 9:25 pm
If every member chips in, we can keep this site going, and help out Jordan.
I'm contributing, and I hope you will too.
There's no better place on the internet to discuss Elvis Presley's life and career -->
Thank you, @drjohncarpenter, for this post and for "you know what" BIGTIME. You have been exceedingly kind throughout all of this. Ever since my illness, and then injury I've become a MUCH more emotional person (due to the injury my neurologist says, but I don't think that is entirely accurate!!).
Your posts, along with everyone fighting for me, praying for me, or even sending me a note to keep on fighting brings me to tears. The outpouring of LOVE from FECC has been incredible. People who I don't know or didn't think even liked me have made contributions. I don't know how to explain it or put it into words. And you are 100% right, if the core group who participates in the forum contributed, I would meet my goal and beyond. With just the cost of a few FTD's each - This would ensure that the medical fees were paid and that the servers stayed online.
And yes, FECC is incredible (when it wants to be lol).
This outpouring of LOVE reminds me of Elvis Weeks from days gone by. When all that mattered is that one is an Elvis fan, and thus you are taken in like family. Because at the end of the day if anyone considers themselves an Elvis fan - you are exactly that - part of a global family!
And yes:

BrianTCB wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 12:21 am
If you're still on the fence about donating, why? Jump off that fence and do it. I'll be donating again also.
The doc is right, there is no better place on the web to talk about Elvis
Do it:
Thank you, @BrianTCB , and I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!
The contributions are for a worthy cause. And everyone that makes one is eligible for a free lifetime @myelvis.email account. All anyone has to do is simply ask with their preferred username! And that's all........ No questions asked!

Scarre wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:04 am
Yes, please contribute.
Thank you, @Scarre !
Another truly kind person who has been there since day one with public and private notes of encouragement! Which obviously means the world to me! Thank you @Scarre

elvis-fan wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:04 am
Done! Stay strong my friend!
Thank you again, Brad!/@elvis-fan I will do my best to do so!

drjohncarpenter wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 5:22 am
Any amount helps. . . both JORDAN and FECC!!
A HUGE, GIGANTIC, ENOURMOUS sized thanks to you! @drjohncarpenter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Winston wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:56 am
I keep him and his family in my prayers. That is so sad to read.
Thank you, @Winston for your prayersfor myself and my family. They are much needed! And the last thing I ever wanted to do is make someone sad. Turn that frown upside-down my friend!
Union Ave wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:57 am
Very sorry to hear about Jordan's situation.
If you can, please contribute. Jordan deserves your support.
It’s telling that those who make most money in the Elvis world, like Joseph Pirzada of MRS, have not contributed a single penny yet.
Thank you @Union Ave For your support. And thank you for your call to action.
I don't know how to respond to your last section. While true, I don't want to make this political. I will simply say, those who make the most money in the Elvis World tend to want to keep it! And it's a wild assumption but they might just have haven't taken note of the multiple threads and PM's. Anything is possible. But, @Union Ave I have noticed the exact same thing!

LesterB wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:57 am
My prayers are with you, Jordan
@LesterB thank you, they are appreciated!
iplayastrat wrote:
Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:32 pm
Don't be hard on yourself Jordan. You and your medical bills come first.
I want you to know that I've been praying for you.
Take care.
Thank you @iplayastrat ! sometimes need to be hard on myself. Yes, the medical bills are top priority. But my "family" (ya'll) share that same priority. It is my intention to keep FECC and all the other sites online for as long as possible (read: forever). There is too much history, information, and resources to be lost forever. And your prayers, @iplayastrat are particularly important and appreciated. Without getting too religious, I would possibly not be here today without all of your prayers!.

Ya'll don't know how much your positivity and kindness has affected me! Thank you all (even those who I haven't mentioned because this post was getting too long!)

Thank you all sincerely from the bottom of my heart.


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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by drjohncarpenter »

From one member to everyone out there, thank you for caring, and thank you for sharing.

Jordan is one of the good guys, and has been for years, waaayy back before FECC, on places like AEK (look it up), when he was just a kid.

He's the kind of fan Elvis would have been proud to know. And he's a Southern boy, too!

Let's get to his GoFundMe goal level, let's keep him AND this forum rolling for a long, long time.

Dr. John Carpenter, M.D.
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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by jomies »

Wishing Jordan and his family all the best.
Our thoughts are with you buddy.


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Re: Jordan in Critical Condition


Post by drjohncarpenter »

Also, if any of the "Anonymous" donors are Ted Danson or Larry David, please let us know.


drjohncarpenter wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:11 am
From one member to everyone out there, thank you for caring, and thank you for sharing.

Jordan is one of the good guys, and has been for years, waaayy back before FECC, on places like AEK (look it up), when he was just a kid.

He's the kind of fan Elvis would have been proud to know. And he's a Southern boy, too!

Let's get to his GoFundMe goal level, let's keep him AND this forum rolling for a long, long time.

Dr. John Carpenter, M.D.
Stop, look and listen, baby <<--->> that's my philosophy!
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