ELVIS 25th Anniversary Concert VCD Review

Well, it was bound to happen and it has a VCD of the ELVIS 25th Anniversary Concert has been released.

The footage shown on this VCD release is Not Complete and the producers of this VCD point that out in words on the Insert along with pointing out that the Camera at Times wasn't totally steady while filming, they also point out "at least we have something".

I agree !

I found watching what was recorded or put on this VCD, we get to see some or most of the highlights of the concert shown that night on August 16th 2002 at the Pyramid in Memphis.

For example the Lisa Marie song that she wrote and sang by a pre-recorded tape in Tribute to her father, the Total re arrangement of going through Elvis career through early TV Footage and 50's and 60's movie footage which hadn't been done before and really was neat to see in a Concert environment during the 1st set of that night. Well, at least it was for me.

But Best of all as we got to see that night and now on this disc some of the unreleased footage or different camera angles that they used for CC Rider, You Lost That Loving Feeling, Mystery Train/Tigerman, and Walk a Mile In My Shoes.

The VCD has a Running time of 74:32.

Quality is pretty good, sound is OK and the Cover Art of the insert included I thought was kinda neat and different, also the VCD has Chapter Search.

The VCD is a nice added bonus to the CDR release I reviewed last month at least for the people that were there that night or even for the people that weren't there if for nothing else to provide insight of that night, or for memory sake.

I would also like to point out too, I liked the idea of the producers using a slim pack Jewel case in stead of a DVD case like some of the other dealers have used in the past, making it easier and still noticeably different to display and fine these type of releases along with the One's own audio CD's.

Track listing of the VCD is:

1) Intro
2) Priscilla Opens show
3) Trouble /Guitar Man, Shake Rattle & Roll/ Flip Flop & Fly, Heartbreak Hotel, Hound Dog, Love Me, Don't Be Cruel, Blue Suede Shoes
4) Trouble, Your Square, Teddy Bear, Jailhouse Rock, Rock A Hula Baby, Bosa Nova Baby, Return To Sender, Mean Woman Blues, Girl Happy, Viva Las Vegas, Come On Everybody
4) Why Me Lord,
5) If I Can Dream,
6) Priscilla & BMG President 7) Lisa "Nobody Notices"
8) CC Rider, Burning Love, Johnny B Good, You lost That loving Feeling, Mystery Train/Tiger Man, Men With Broken Hearts, Walk A Mile In My Shoes

I have No Choice again but to point out that I do not trade or sell any of the material that I review or get from various sources, however if there are any questions about what i review or to ask something about Elvis i would be more than happy to reply. i can be reached at PEPsREVIEW@aol.com

Until next time

Always keep Elvis number One !