I originally posted this transcript on the message board for all to see because there was a request by two people on the board to see if anyone had this. So here it is,.....Please note: I put the quotes in the order I felt the questions and answers were made. Some questions or answers of course may not necessary be in the correct order as they happened. However I really changed nothing in the way the question's were asked by the Reporters or answered by Elvis from what I found in the way it was reported or documented in the various sources I used to put this together for everyone. Reading this Transcript all together like this, might very well be the first time for most, I know it was for me. Please enjoy !


R: "Why have you waited so long to perform Live again?" "Did you return to Live Performing because of the Phenomenal successes of Wales Singer Tom Jones and British Crooner Engelbert Humperdinck?"

E: (Elvis shook his head at the suggestion)
"I think they are great",..."But My decision to return was made in 1965, and it was hard to wait",..."I don't think I could have waited any longer."... "We had to finish up the movie commitments we had before I could start on this... "I missed the Live contact with an Audience." "It was getting harder and harder to sing to a camera all day."

R : "Can you remember first coming to Vegas?"

E: "Sure, I was 19 years old." (Elvis was actually 21) "Nobody knew Me."... "Whe're you from...Boy?, They would ask."

R: "How do you like being a father?"

E: "I like it !"

R: "Are you and Priscilla planning on adding to your Family?"

E:"You'll be the first to know." LOL

R: "What things do you do when you are at home at Graceland?"

E: "I ride horse back, swim and talk with the tourists hanging out at the gates."

R:"How does your wife feel about you being a Sex Symbol again?"

E: "I don't know... you would have to ask her."

R: "Do your Wife and Daughter accompany you?"

E: "Priscilla is here,... but my Daughter is in L.A. with her Nanny."..."She could not make it."

R: "How do you Manage to stay so Young?"

E: "I don't know".."One of these days I'll probably fall apart." "I feel, I've just been lucky."

R: "Are you tired of your present type of movie, have you grown tired of the movie plots??

E: "Yes, I want to Change the type of Script I've been doing. "

R: "What kind of Scripts do you like?"

E: "Something with Meaning".... "I'm going after More Serious Material." "I couldn't dig always playing the Guy who'd get into a fight, Beat the Guy up,.., and in the Next Shot Sing to Him."

R: "Do you think it was a mistake to do so many Movie Sound-Track Albums?"

E: "I think so"..... "When you do Ten songs in a movie,they can't all be good songs." "Anyway",.."I got tired of Singing to Turtles."

R:"When you met the Beatles", "No press was allowed, why was that?"

E: "I think because we could relax more that way and we could talk Candidly."

R: "Do you like to wear leather-jackets, like the one you wore in your TV-Special?"

E: "No".... "I hate wearing them, because they are too hot when your working."

R:"Where did you get the design for your stage out-fits?"

E: "I got the idea by a Karate-gi,.. I once had."

R: "What do you think of the Hollywood scene?"

E: "I just don't go for it....." "I have nothing against it, but I just don't enjoy it."

R: "How long did you rehearse for these shows?"

E: "I practised for nearly 3 months." "Today I went through Three Complete Dress Rehersals." "This was the fourth time I did that show today." ..." I'm really Beat."

R: "How did you choose the songs for the show?"

E: "I just sang My Favorite Songs."

R: "Do you want to do more Live Shows?"

E: "I want to.... I would like to play all over the World."... "I chose Las Vegas to Play First, Because it is a place People come to from All Over."

R: "Are you trying to change your image with songs like "In the Ghetto"?

E: "No, "Ghetto" was such a great song, I just couldn't pass it up after I heard it." "There are a lot of New Records Out Now that have the same sound I started,.. But they're Better."...."I mean, you can't compare a song like "Yesterday" with "Hound Dog",..... Can You?"

R: "Why have you led such a secluded life all these years?"

E: "It's not secluded Honey.".." I'm just Sneaky." LOL

R: "Is it true you dye your hair?"

E: "Sure, I have always done it for the movies."

R: "Did you enjoy performing Live again?"

E: "Yes !... "This has been one of the Most Exciting Nights of my Life."

R: "Did you feel nervous during the show?"

E: "For the First Three songs or so, I didn't feel relaxed until after "Love me Tender" before I loosened up."....."Then I Thought, What The Heck.....Get With It Man!" "Or you might be out of a Job Tomorrow".

R: "Do you have a share in the International Hotel?"

E: "No, I have not."

R: "Why did you choose a Negro backup group?:

E: "They help get a feeling and get to my soul."

R: "Have you ever seen England's top singer, Cliff Richard?"

E: "Yes, I met him in Germany a long time ago." (Elvis was mistaken, he could have been thinking of someone else, maybe Billy Fury, However they did not meet until 62')

R: "Mr. Presley,".. "I've been sent here by "Lord Sutch Enterprises" "To offer you One Million Pounds Sterling to make Two Apperances at the Wembley Empire Stadium in England,".... " This Price will include a Documentary that will be Filmed during and after the Shows." "It will Only Take 24 Hours."

E: (Elvis points to Col.Parker)"You'll have to ask him about that."

C: (Parker)"Just put down the desposit."

E: "Elvis, how much do you get paid for these performances?"

C: (Parker Speaks up)"We are pleased with the deal. I am glad He is Here."

R: "Is it true you get paid in International-stocks?"

C: (Parker Speaks up again) "Certainly not."... "The only thing we get for Free are the Crickets in the Rooms."

R: "Do you still own about 10 cars?"

E: "I have never owned that many."... " Only 4 or 5 at most."

R: "Elvis is there any Other Individual You would Rather Be?"

E: "Are you Kidding ???" LOL